Firefox Quantum Extensions Challenge
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Mozilla has launched a competition for developers to create Firefox extensions that make use of Firefox's new and improved WebExtensions APIs.  Winners in each category will receive an iPad Pro and promotion of their extensions to Firefox users.

The competition runs from March 15 to April 15 2018, and to enter you need to use  Firefox Developer Edition to create extensions that make full use of one or more of the available WebExtensions APIs for one of the prize categories. You can also enter legacy extensions that have been updated to use the WebExtensions APIs, or Chrome extensions that have been ported to Firefox on or after January 1, 2018. At the close of the competition, a panel of judges will select  finalists in each category, and the community will be invited to vote for the winners. The winners will then be announced when Firefox 60 is released in May 2018.



There are three categories for the competion - Tab Management and Organization;  Dynamic Themes; and Games and Entertainment.

The tab management category entries should be extensions to style, organize, and manage tabs, while the dynamic themes entries should (you'll never guess) be dynamic themes that can be used to customize Firefox’s appearance and make it interactive.

The final category, Games and Entertainment, has the rather vague guidance of looking for high-performing, original ideas that will bring delight to Firefox users.

The aim of the competition is to draw attention to the new and improved WebExtensions APIs in Firefox. For example, the Theme API currently supports around 20 visual elements that you can customize. These will be added to in Firefox 60 with options including tab_line color, tab_selected color; tab_selected color; and popup background, text and border color.

There are a number of new APIs that have been added for tabs, including ways to control the options to open bookmarks in new tabs; to open search results in new tabs; and to capture any tab rather than just the active tab.

Winners of the competition will be notified by the end of April 2018 and will be announced with the release of Firefox 60 in May 2018.


More Information

Challenge site

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 20 March 2018 )