Culture, Media and Humour
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# Article Title
1 The Inconvenient QR Clock
2 The Lifecycle Of An Apple Developer
3 The Sound Of Coding
4 Apple Patents Disable The Starship Enterprise
5 Vanilla JS Used On More Sites Than jQuery
6 Paperback - Joke or Not?
7 Zelda the Kitten and the iPad - Why iOS Programmers Earn More
8 Cartoon - What's Up With The Kb?
9 When Tetris Bricks Go Bad - A Movie
10 Cartoon - Why 1970? or Dating Troubles
11 Real eXtreme programming
12 Google's Zerg Rush Easter Egg Goes Viral
13 The Real Geeks of Silicon Valley - Cartoon
14 Self-Driving Cars For Stock Car Racing?
15 Cartoon - Why Compile Time == Play Time?
16 New Google Easter Eggs
17 NP-Complete - Why So Hard?
18 Natural Language as a Code
19 Cartoon - Highways and Programs
20 Cartoon - Recursion
21 Work For Twitter - Hilarious!
22 Cartoon - Color Codes
23 Siri - A Horror Movie
24 If Web Browsers were Super Heros
25 WebDev Versus WebDesign
26 How Siri "Really" Works
27 The Downfall of Silverlight
28 Antisocial killer app launched
29 The dark side of Java
30 Vintage Computing?
31 Multicore reduced to sand!
32 Augmented Reality Rock Paper Scissors