Deno Joins ECMA
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Friday, 17 December 2021

Deno, the company behind the JavaScript and TypeScript runtime developed by the creator of Node.js, has joined the TC39 group of EMCA International, the standards organization that is responsible for the JavaScript standard.


ECMAScript is the language standard on which JavaScript is based, though JavaScript predates it from its original development at NetScape. The standard was originally set out as a formal description of JavaScript to guide the future of the language.

ECMAScript 2021, the most recent version of the JavaScript standard, was published earlier in the year, with improved support for promises and new logical assignment operators. The ECMA TC39 group is a group of JavaScript developers, implementers, academics, and more, collaborating with the community to maintain and evolve the definition of JavaScript.committee. 

Announcing the move to join TC39, Deno's Luca Casonato said:

"We will be working with other ECMA members and the wider JS community on the next iterations of JavaScript, in the TC39 working group. We will be pushing for features and improvements to the language that benefit everyone, but especially users of server-side JavaScript."

Casonato said that some of the features that the company hopes to be working on soon include better support for non-JS assets in the ES module graph, and better support for explicit resource management. Another aim is to get more extensive standard library functions for (async) iteration.

He said in a blog post:

"As TypeScript is a core part of the Deno ecosystem, we are also very interested in pushing for even closer alignment of TypeScript and JavaScript in the future."


More Information

Deno Website

TC39 Website

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