Book Watch Archive

Unity 2018 Game Development in 24 Hours 3rd Ed (Sams)
Thursday, 13 September 2018

This book teaches how to use the Unity 2018 game engine, which is used for popular games including Ori and the Blind ForestFirewatch, and Monument Valley.  Author  Mike Geig's straightforward, step-by-step approach teaches you everything from the absolute basics through sophisticated game physics, animation, and mobile device deployment techniques.


Rediscovering JavaScript (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
Wednesday, 12 September 2018

If you feared JavaScript, or if the language annoyed you in the past, Dr. Venkat Subramaniam shows how the language has beautifully evolved in ECMAScript 2015 (ES6), 2016 (ES7), and 2017 (ES8) and how it is now highly approachable. Whether you program the front end or the server side, you can now write concise, elegant, and expressive JavaScript with newer features like default parameters, template literals, rest and spread operators, destructuring, arrow functions, and generators.


Kotlin Standard Library Cookbook (Packt)
Monday, 10 September 2018

The recipes in this book offer coding solutions that can be readily executed. The book covers various topics related to data processing, I/O operations, and collections transformation. Author Samuel Urbanowicz walks through effective design patterns in Kotlin and shows how coroutines add new features to JavaScript. The recipes show how to implement clean, reusable functions and scalable interfaces containing default implementations. In the concluding chapters, recipes are provided on functional programming concepts, such as lambdas, monads, functors, and Kotlin scoping functions.


Exploratory Data Analysis Using R (CRC Press)
Thursday, 06 September 2018

This book provides a classroom-tested introduction to exploratory data analysis (EDA) and introduces the range of "interesting" – good, bad, and ugly – features that can be found in data, and why it is important to find them. Author Ronald K. Pearson also introduces the mechanics of using R to explore and explain data. Alongside a detailed overview of data, exploratory analysis, and R, the book also covers graphics in R., working with external data, linear regression models, and crafting data stories. The second part of the book focuses on developing R programs, including good programming practices and examples, working with text data, and general predictive models. 


Programming Elixir ≥ 1.6 (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
Wednesday, 05 September 2018

The subtitle of this book is Functional |> Concurrent |> Pragmatic |> Fun, and author Dave Thomas (of The Pragmatic Programmer) aims to explore functional programming without the academic overtones. The book shows how to create concurrent applications that work without all the locking and consistency headaches. Elixir is a modern, functional, concurrent language built on the Erlang VM. Elixir's pragmatic syntax and built-in support for metaprogramming will make you productive and keep you interested for the long haul. This edition is fully updated with all the new features of Elixir 1.6, with a new chapter on structuring OTP applications, and new sections on the debugger, code formatter, Distillery, and protocols


.NET Core in Action (Manning)
Monday, 03 September 2018

This hands-on guide shows .NET developers how to build professional software applications with .NET Core. Author Dustin Metzga shows how to convert existing .NET code to work on multiple platforms as well as how to start new projects with knowledge of the tools and capabilities of .NET Core. It concentrates on new Core features as it discusses familiar tasks like testing, logging, data access, and networking. It covers modern architectures like microservices and cloud data storage, along with practical matters like performance profiling, localization, and signing assemblies. All examples are in C#.


Fusion 360 for Makers (Maker Media)
Thursday, 30 August 2018

This book shows how to use Autodesk Fusion 360 to digitally model your own original projects for a 3D printer or a CNC device. Author Lydia Cline shows how Fusion 360 software lets you design, analyze, and print your ideas. Free to students and small businesses alike, it offers solid, surface, organic, direct, and parametric modeling capabilities.The book is written for beginners to 3D modeling software by an experienced teacher. It will get you up and running quickly with the goal of creating models for 3D printing and CNC fabrication


Microsoft Visual C# Step by Step, 9th Ed (Microsoft Press)
Wednesday, 29 August 2018

In the 9th edition of this hands-on guide, author John Sharp teaches the fundamentals of programming with the latest version of Visual C# with Visual Studio 2017. If you are an experienced software developer, you’ll get all the guidance, exercises, and code you need to start building responsive, scalable, cloud-connected applications that can run almost anywhere.


The Manga Guide to Cryptography (No Starch Press)
Monday, 27 August 2018

This book turns the art of encryption and decryption into plain, comic-illustrated, English. Authors Masaaki Mitani and Shinichi Satou show Inspector Jun Meguro on a quest to bring a cipher-wielding thief to justice that also illustrates how cryptographic ciphers work. Illustrated throughout with Japanese manga, the book covers cryptography topics such as classic substitution, polyalphabetic, and transposition ciphers; symmetric-key algorithms like block and DES (Data Encryption Standard) ciphers; and how to use public key encryption technology. It also explores practical applications of encryption such as digital signatures, password security, and identity fraud counter-measures.


Code with the Wisdom of the Crowd (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
Thursday, 23 August 2018

This book aims to show how to build systems faster and more effectively with Mob Programming where a group of people work together at a single machine. Author Mark Pearl shows how to avoid the most common pitfalls that teams make when first starting out, along with what it takes to create and support a successful mob. The theme of the book is that mob programming is a natural extension of the popular Pair Programming concept, and is not restricted to a specific programming language or technology.


ASP.NET Core 2 and Vue.js (Packt)
Wednesday, 22 August 2018

This book will walk you through the process of developing an e-commerce application from start to finish, utilizing an ASP.NET Core web API and Vue.js Single-Page Application (SPA) front-end. In each chapter author Stuart Ratcliffe shows how to add the required front-end and back-end changes to complete an entire feature. By the end of the book, this involves using advanced concepts such as server-side rendering and continuous integration and deployment. The book also shows how ASP.NET Core differs from its predecessors, and how those changes can be utilized.


Visualizing Streaming Data (O'Reilly)
Monday, 20 August 2018

This practical guide shows different ways to create visualizations that bring context and a sense of time to streaming text data. Author Anthony Aragues introduces the concepts and tools needed to build visualizations for analyzing data as it arrives.The topics ride the line between design and development because they are both integral in presenting comprehensible data.



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