
Book Watch

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Book Watch is I Programmer's listing of new books and is compiled using publishers' publicity material. It is not to be read as a review where we provide an independent assessment. Some but by no means all of the books in Book Watch are eventually reviewed.

Building SimCity (MIT Press)
14 Jun

This book, subtitled "How to Put the World in a Machine", explores the history of computer simulation by chronicling SimCity. Chaim Gingold explains that SimCity was created in part to learn about cities, appropriating ideas from traditions in which computers are used as tools for modeling and thinking about the world as a complex system.


Deep C Dives: Adventures in C (I/O Press)
12 Jun

In this book Mike James provides in-depth exploration of the essence of C, identifying the strengths of its distinctive traits. This reveals that C has a very special place among the programming languages of today as a powerful and versatile option for low-level programming, something that is often overlooked in books written by programmers who would really rather be using a higher-level language.


Kafka Streams in Action, 2nd Ed (Manning)
10 Jun

This book shows how to implement stream processing on Apache Kafka using Kafka Streams and the kqsIDB event streaming database. Bill Bejeck also covers the entire toolbox you'll need for effective streaming, from the components of the Kafka ecosystem, to Producer and Consumer clients, Connect, and Schema Registry.

<ASIN:1617298689 >

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Tetris - Still A Winner After 40 Years
Jun 16 | Sue Gee
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Tetris, the classic and addictive puzzle game where you rotate and position falling blocks, has been played by at least a billion people. It was invented 40 years ago and to mark the occasion the BBC News in Russian website reveals the story of how Tetris crossed the Iron Curtain and discloses how it was finally "won" this year.

June Week 2
Jun 15 | Editor
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Our top featured article this week is the first extract from "Deep C Dives: Adventures in C" the new addition to the I Programmer Library by Mike James which, appropriately, investigates C's void data type. We also has a Programmer's Puzzle - again on data types, classes and structs, but this time in C#. C++ is in trhe news as it rises to the next-to-top position in the TIOBE Index.

Apple Swift Student Challenge Results Now In
Jun 14 | Kay Ewbank
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Apple's Swift Student Challenge is an annual competition  designed to encourage software coding among young people.This year 50 "Distinguished Winners" were invited to attend WWDC24 where, to their surprise, some got to meet Tim Cook.

Amazon Releases Free Courses On AI
Jun 14 | Nikos Vaggalis
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A range of free self-paced courses on GenAI, have been released on AWS SkillBuilder, Amazon's online learning center where you can learn from AWS experts to build cloud skills online.

Swift 6 Adds Concurrent Code Mode
Jun 13 | Alex Denham
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Apple has released details of what developers can expect in Swift 6, due to be released this year. The team says Swift 6 makes it easier to write concurrent code correctly with a new, optional language mode that analyzes your code at compile-time and diagnoses possible data races. 

Pulumi Announces Copilot AI Management
Jun 13 | Kay Ewbank
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Pulumi has announced Pulumi Copilot, an AI tool for general cloud infrastructure management. Copilot uses large language models with semantic understanding of the cloud to provide insights and controls over managing cloud infrastructure.

TIOBE Index June Highlights
Jun 12 | Harry Fairhead
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The June 2024 TIOBE Index is out and its headline comes as a bit of a shock: C++ surpasses C for the first time in history. Lower down the ranks both Go and Rust have achieved their highest positions ever at #7 and #17 respectively. 

Docker Reveals The Application Development Landscape
Jun 12 | Sue Gee
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The 2024 Docker State of Application Development Report is intended to provide a "deep-focus snapshot of the rapidly evolving world of software development today". 

TypeScript 5.5 Adds ECMAScript Set Support
Jun 11 | Ian Elliot
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TypeScript 5.5 is now available as a release candidate. This version adds support for the proposed ECMAScript Set methods, as well as inferred type predicates and the ability to narrow expressions for flow of control for constant indexed accesses.

The Mycelial SQLite For Beginners Course
Jun 11 | Nikos Vaggalis
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There's a self-paced. YouTube-based course by Mycelial on
the ins and outs of SQLite. It's short, succinct and free and a must watch for anybody wanting to get started with  SQLite.

Visual Studio 17.11 Focuses On Quality Of Life
Jun 10 | Kay Ewbank
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Microsoft has released Visual Studio 2022 v17.11 Preview 1, the first preview of the next update for Visual Studio 2022. The developers say this update focuses on quality of life improvements for developers. Meanwhile, Microsoft has also released an updated version of new Extension Manager as an on-by-default preview feature starting with Visual Studio 17.10.

SQL Turns 50
Jun 10 | Sue Gee
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The first release of SQL was in June 1974. Designed at IBM by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce, it was based on the relational model proposed by E.F. Codd. SQL became the most widely used database language with many dialects, the most recent being SQL 2023.

WWII Cipher Machine As Used On D-Day
Jun 09 | Sue Gee
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To celebrate the 80th anniversary of D-Day there's a new addition to the line up of cryptographic machines on Martin Gillow's VirtualColossus website - a 3D simulation of the Hagelin M-209 cipher machine, used by the US military primarily in World War II, though it remained in active use through the Korean War.

June Week 1
Jun 08 | Editor
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This is an extended version of the newsletter emailed to subscribers every Wednesday. It lists the week's news items, Book Review and additions to Book Watch and the week's two feature articles. This week Harry Fairhead and Mike James explore using the Raspberry Pi's GPIO library in Python  and Mike James looks at the basics of writing threadsafe code in C++.

Celebrating Alan Turing
Jun 07 | Sue Gee
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Today, June 7th 2024 is the 70th anniversary of the untimely death of Alan Turing. While we now commemorate him for his contributions to code-breaking computer science and artificial intelligence, seventy years ago his wartime contributions were still cloaked in secrecy and his homosexuality was considered, and treated as, a crime. 

Google Launches Developer Program
Jun 07 | Kay Ewbank
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Google has created the Google Developer Program "to help developers build, learn and grow". The program will give developers access to a range of new tools and benefits such as technical assistance from Gemini. The program is open to developers worldwide and is free to join.

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Deep C Dives: Into the Void
11 Jun | Mike James
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You can’t help having encountered the mysterious void data type. It sounds like something from SciFi and, along with the semi-colon, accounts for a C program’s intimidating look to the beginner. As time ticks on, however, we get used to the void and eventually hardly notice it. But why “void” and what exactly does it mean? Find out in this extract from my latest book Deep C Dives

Programmer Puzzle - Class and struct
10 Jun | Mike James
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This C# puzzle shouldn't be difficult as long as you are secure in your understanding of class and structs. See if you can spot the danger as soon as you read it.

Pi IoT In Python Using GPIO Zero - Getting Input
03 Jun | Harry Fairhead & Mike James
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GPIO output is easy, input not so much. In this extract from our latest book on using GPIO Zero on the Raspberry Pi in Python, now designated as the default library for all Rapsberry Pi models, we look at how to get started.

Being Threadsafe - An Introduction to the Pitfalls of Parallelism
31 May | Mike James
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If you want to make your programs go faster in the future you have to take up the challenge of threading. In this article we look at the basics of writing threadsafe code and why things go wrong.

Programmer's Python Data - Stacks, Queues and Deques
27 May | Mike James
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Data structures are what we create out of data and Python has some good standard data structures. Find out how it all works in this extract from Programmer's Python: Everything is Data.