March magazine for Joomla!
Saturday, 05 March 2011

The Joomla! community magazine is already at its ninth issue and this month it invites you to submit your comments in rhyme.

Dianne Henning is the editor for the March issue of and her introduction,  Inspiration, and the Winds of Change... refers to the fact that Joomla! 1.7 will be here in July. 

Meanwhile now that Joomla 1.6 is here there is an informational gap to be filled and  Hagen Graf has responded with a free book Joomla! 1.6 Beginner's Guide, available in both English and German (Joomla! 1.6 - Das Einsteigerbuch). They are readable without registration online, and the English edition is downloadable as a PDF. You can also buy a print on demand copy.


In this month's magazine you'll find interviews with Matt Lipscomb who is a member of the Community Leadership Team (CLT), Co-Manager of the Joomla! Extensions Directory (JED) and the Joomla! Resources Directory (JRD) about the Jomla YouTube channel and with Brian Teeman, a founder member of the Joomla! Community. The third feature, Friendly Advice For Your Joomla! Adventure comes from Joe Sonne (aka JoeJoomla) about how to get involved in Joomla! The issue also has six non-English language articles plus the usual columns: Designer's Studio, Administrator's Toolkit and Developers Workbench.

Rather than Haiku, the March issue invites you to compose "Jimericks" - Limericks with a Joomla! theme and there's an example to inspire you:

The Joomla! mag team in Skype
said limericks were just not their type
of rhyming for a reason
but, in the spirit of the season,
they submitted their sanitized hype!



For the rest of the contents, of this and previous issues, go to the Joomla! Community Magazine.



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Last Updated ( Saturday, 05 March 2011 )