InfluxDB 3.0 Time-Series Database Released
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Monday, 08 May 2023

InfluxData has released InfluxDB 3.0. The latest version of the time-series database is described as offering a high performance, unlimited cardinality, SQL support, and low-cost object store. 

InfluxDB was developed in Rust as a columnar database, and the new version adds support for the full range of time series data (metrics, events, and traces) in a single datastore. The engine is now being used in InfluxData's InfluxDB Cloud Serverless, a fully managed, elastic, multi-tenant database, and in InfluxDB Cloud Dedicated, a fully managed, single tenant version of InfluxDB. The company plans to add to self-managed products later this year:

InfluxData 2022 Logo

The InfluxDB database engine is designed to handle high cardinality datasets thanks to a columnar data structure built on Apache Arrow. Cardinality refers to the number of unique sets of data stored in a column of a database, and in time series databases, cardinality can pose problems where fields with unbounded values are chosen as a tag, such as user IDs or IP addresses. Apache Arrow libraries feature an extensive set of high-performance, parallel, and vectorized kernel functions designed for efficiently processing massive amounts of columnar data for in memory processing. The InfluxDB developers say that InfluxDB's column-based storage engine means it can handle time series data and workloads that contain unbounded cardinality.

InfluxDB 3.0 also now uses the Apache Parquet file format for storing data, so achieving strong gains in efficient use of disk space. The SQL implementation also uses Apache technology in the shape of Apache DataFusion, with what InfluxData says are enhancements to DataFusion's SQL dialect to include key time series functions.

The InfluxData team says the new engine is also designed to handle high write and query loads, making it suitable for processing massive amounts of monitoring data in real-time.

InfluxDB 3.0 has integration with popular observability tools such as Grafana, Jaeger, and OpenTelemetry.



More Information

InfluxDB 3 Overview

InfluxDB Cloud Serverless

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 09 May 2023 )