ESP32 In MicroPython: Client Sockets
Written by Harry Fairhead & Mike James   
Tuesday, 12 September 2023
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ESP32 In MicroPython: Client Sockets
Client Sockets
SSL Socket-Based HTTPS Client

Client Sockets

Once we have a socket object and the ability to specify an address, we have to connect it to another socket to make a two-way communication channel. Data can be written and read at both sockets that form the connection. Exactly how sockets are connected depends on which is the client and which the server. In this section we look at how to connect to a server. By default all socket methods are blocking. See later for non-blocking operation.

If you want to connect a socket to a server socket than all you have to do is use:


where address is the address of the server socket you are trying to connect to and has to be specified as an IP tuple:


For example:


While you can use an IP tuple, it is more usual to use socket.getaddrinfo to generate it.

You should always close a socket when you are finished using it with a call to the close method.

Once you have a connected socket you can send and receive data using a range of methods.

The methods used to send data are:


Returns the number of bytes actually sent.


Sends all the data even if it takes multiple chunks of data. Doesn’t work well with non-blocking sockets and write is preferred.


Tries to write all of the buffer. This may not be possible with a non-blocking socket. It returns the number of bytes actually sent.

The receive methods are:


Returns no more than len bytes as a Bytes object.


Returns no more than len bytes as a tuple (bytes,address) where address is the address of the device sending the database.


Returns no more than len bytes as a bytes object. If len is not specified it reads as much data as is sent until the socket is closed.

readinto(buf, len)

Reads no more than len bytes into the buf. If len is not specified len(buf) is used. Returns the number of bytes actually read.


Reads a line, ending in a newline character.

There are also:

sendto(bytes, address)

Sends data to the address specified – the socket used has to be unconnected for this to work.

makefile(mode = 'rb', buffering = 0)

Available for compatibility with Python which needs the socket to be converted to a file before reading or writing. In MicroPython this can be used but it does nothing.

A Socket Web Client

Using what we know so far about sockets, we can easily connect to a server and send and receive data. What data we actually send and receive depends on the protocol in use. Web servers use HTTP, which is a very simple text-based protocol. Using the urequests module we could ignore the nature of the protocol as it implemented most of it for us. When it comes to using sockets we have to work out what to send in detail.

The HTTP protocol is essentially a set of text headers of the form:

headername: headerdata \r\n

that tell the server what to do, and a set of headers that the server sends back to tell you what it has done. You can look up the details of HTTP headers in the documentation – there are a lot of them.

The most basic transaction the client can have with the server is to send a GET request for the server to send back a particular file. Thus the simplest header is:

"GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n"

which is a request for the server to send index.html. In most cases we need one more header, HOST, which gives the domain name of the server. Why do we need it? Simply because HTTP says you should, and many websites are hosted by a single server at the same IP address. Which website the server retrieves the file from is governed by the domain name you specify in the HOST header.

This means that the simplest set of headers we can send the server is:

"GET /index.htm HTTP/1.1\r\\r\n\r\n";

which corresponds to the headers:

GET /index.html HTTP/1.1

An HTTP request always ends with a blank line. If you don't send the blank line then you will get no response from most servers. In addition, the HOST header has to have the domain name with no additional syntax - no slashes and no http: or similar.

request = b"GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n\r\n"

Now we are ready to send our request to the server, but first we need its address and we need to connect the socket:

ai = socket.getaddrinfo("", 80,
socket.AF_INET) addr = ai[0][-1] s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET) s.connect(addr)

Now we can send the headers which constitute the GET request:

request = b"GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n\r\n" s.send(request)

Finally, we can wait for the response from the server and display it:


Notice that all of the methods are blocking in the sense that they don’t return until the operation is complete.

The complete program, with the setup function given earlier omitted is:

import network
import socket
from machine import Pin, Timer
from time import sleep_ms
def setup(country, ssid, key):
   .  .  .
wifi=setup(country, ssid, key)
url = ""
ai = socket.getaddrinfo("", 80,
socket.AF_INET) addr = ai[0][-1] s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET) s.connect(addr) request = b"GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n\r\n" s.send(request) print(s.recv(512))

You can see that the urequests module is much easier to use. Of course, it makes use of sockets to do its job.

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 12 September 2023 )