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Programmer's Python - Local and Global
16 Apr | Mike James
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Without functions all we have are attributes of objects. Functions are where variables live. This extract from Programmer's Python: Everything is an Object explains that functions bring something new to objects – local variables.

Alan Sugar - Amstrad and the CPC
14 Apr | Historian
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In the UK Alan Sugar's Amstrad was the first company to look at computing with an eye to producing something cheap and cheerful and in doing so revolutionised the computer marketplace. It is now 40 year since the CPC 464 was launched - who remembers it?

JavaScript Jems - The Inheritance Tax
09 Apr | Mike James
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JavaScript should not be judged as if it was a poor version of the other popular languages - it isn't a Java or a C++ clone. It does things its own way.  In particular, it doesn't do inheritance in the same way. 

Ensuring Email Security
05 Apr | Gilad David Maayan
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Does your app send emails? If so you need to be aware of the security concerns involved. Here are five best practices to follow to keep things safe.

ESP32 In MicroPython: Interrupts
03 Apr | Mike James & Harry Fairhead
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Interrupts are hard but not in MicroPython. This extract from Programming the ESP32 in MicroPython, part of the I Programmer Library, shows you how to get started with interrupts and when not to use them.