Take a break and catch up with the latest articles, book reviews and news posted on this site. This week Harry Fairhead outlines a low-cost and relatively easy way to remedy the lack of WiFi of the newly available Pico 2 and Mike James provides a deep dive into public key encryption, explaining in detail how the RSA system works.
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August 15 - 21, 2024
Featured Articles
Adding WiFi To The Pico 2 19 Aug | Harry Fairhead
The ESP8266 provides a low cost and relatively easy way to get a newly available Pico 2 onto WiFi.
Public Key Encryption 18 Aug | Mike James
Public key encryption is vital to the working of the Internet and the commercial web in particular. We look at how it works and explain the RSA system in detail and wonder about its future.
Programming News and Views
GitHub Reveals Regional Variation In AI Usage 21 Aug | Sue Gee
Almost all software developers in a survey covering the USA, India, Brazil and Germany have used AI tools, but company support varies by region. While the US companies shows strong support, with 88% of respondents indicating at least some company backing, in Germany only 59% of respondents report similar support.
Box2D 3 Released For Easy Powerful Physics 21 Aug | Harry Fairhead
Box2D is a 2D physics engine and if that sounds boring you just need to look at some examples to see that it isn't. It can be the basis of impressive graphics demos and the heart of many a sophisticated game. And it's fun. So what more do you want?
Visual Studio 2022 v17.12 Preview 1 With .NET 9 20 Aug | Kay Ewbank
Visual Studio 2022 v17.12 Preview 1 is now available, and Visual Studio 2022 version 17.11 is now generally available. The 17.12 preview comes with the ability to work with .NET 9 projects and with new AI productivity features.
A Cheaper Raspberry Pi 5 20 Aug | Harry Fairhead
There's a new Raspberry Pi 5, costing just $50. This price reduction has been achieved by cutting memory to 2MB, plenty for most applications, and eliminating the "dark silicon" that takes up space and adds to the cost of the two existing variants of the Pi 5.
Anthropic Launches Prompt Caching With Claude 19 Aug | Sue Gee
Anthropic has added Prompt Caching as a feature that it claims makes it more practical and cost-effective to use Claude's capabilities for complex, long-term projects that require consistent access to large amounts of contextual information.
NIST Announces Post-Quantum Cryptographic Algorithms 19 Aug | Kay Ewbank
The U.S. Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has announced three new post-quantum cryptographic algorithms. The standards contain the encryption algorithms’ computer code, instructions for how to implement them, and their intended uses. The encryption tools are designed to withstand the attack of a quantum computer.
Build Your Own DeepMind Barkour Robot 18 Aug | Lucy Black
Google-DeepMind's Barkour project is pushing the boundaries of robotics with robots that can match or even surpass the agility of real dogs. The good news is that the hardware has been open sourced.
Google Releases Purrfect Code Developer Game 16 Aug | Kay Ewbank
Google has released a game for developers that is designed to challenge programmers to solve puzzles by writing code. This may sound like the normal work of most of us, but Purrfect Code is a new box-pushing programming puzzle game, powered by Flutter, Dart, and the Flame game engine.
Award-Winning Robot Guide Dog 16 Aug | Lucy Black
Meet IC4U, a robot guide dog for the visually impaired and its creator, Selin Alara Ornek, who started building robots when she was 10. Read aloud in English the name of Ornek's latest robot is "I See For You" and it seems an ideal way to use robotics and AI for a good cause.
AWS Discontinues Services 15 Aug | Kay Ewbank
Amazon is discontinuing a number of its AWS services for new users, including CodeCommit, S3 Select, CloudSearch, Cloud9, SimpleDB, Forecast and Data Pipeline.
Puppeteer Library Improves Firefox Support 15 Aug | Ian Elliot
The Puppeteer browser automation library has added first-class support for Firefox, making it easier to write automation routines and perform end-to-end testing using Puppeteer, for both Chrome and Firefox.
Books of the Week
If you want to purchase, or to know more about, any of the titles listed below from Amazon, click on the book jackets at the top of the right sidebar. If you do make Amazon purchases after this, we may earn a few cents through the Amazon Associates program which is a small source of revenue that helps us to continue posting.
Full Review
Professional C++, 6th Ed (Wiley)
Author: Marc Gregoire Publisher: Wiley Date: February 2024 Pages: 1376 ISBN:978-1394193172 Print:1394193173 Kindle:B0CRXK5191 Audience: C++ developers Rating: 4 Reviewer: Mike James Can a book on C++ get any bigger and does it need to?
Book Watch
Mastering Smalltalk Programming (HiTeX Press)
This book is guide designed to take the reader from a novice to an expert in Smalltalk programming. William Smith covers the essential topics, from the fundamental syntax and basic programming concepts to advanced object-oriented principles and sophisticated user interface programming.
D3.js in Action, 3rd Ed (Manning)
This totally-revised new edition guides the reader from simple charts to powerful interactive graphics. Chapter-by-chapter Elijah Meeks and Anne-Marie Dufour assemble a portfolio of visualizations including intricate networks, maps, and even a complete customized visualization layout. Readers will also learn best practices for building interactive graphics, animations, and integrating work into frontend development frameworks like React and Svelte.
Engineering Secure Devices (No Starch Press)
In this practical guide to building embedded and IoT devices securely, Dominik Merli looks at how to craft secure devices, from protecting crucial assets to the nature of attackers and the risks they pose. He explores the technical intricacies and pros and cons of symmetric and asymmetric cryptography and shows how to use and analyze random number generators and cryptographic algorithms.

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