I Programmer
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# Article Title
1 How Jazz Ruined Programming
2 Why Software Engineering Will Never Die
3 How To Write Code Documentation
4 In Praise of Top Down Programming
5 Hackathons Considered Harmful
6 We Make Nothing
7 Dyslexia and Programming
8 Programming Is Hard - No Exceptions Ever!
9 Weak Typing - The Lost Art of the Keyboard
10 Seven Mistakes Every Newbie Programmer Makes
11 Programming Is Hard - A Comment To The Future Me
12 JavaScript Inherits The Earth
13 Spreadsheets Are Special
14 Does Math Help Programming Or Programming Help Math?
15 Scientists, Data Scientists And Significance
16 Is This What It Now Means To Build A Computer?
17 How To Successfully Teach Computing Disciplines To The Uninitiated
18 Why Do We Try To Make Programming Like Something Else?
19 Tools Do A Language Make
20 Debugging and the Experimental Method
21 The Real Reason To Learn To Program - The Power
22 Teach Concepts Not Just Code
23 Helping Ops Make Your Life Easier
24 In Praise of Skeuomorphy
25 Programming - A Life Long Challenge
26 More Monitors!
27 What Makes A Programmer
28 The BBC Micro:bit Which Language?
29 Artificial Intelligence For Better Or Worse?
30 2015 The Programmer's Year
31 Deep Teaching
32 JavaScript The Language With Two Names
33 2014 A Programmer's Year Part II
34 2014 A Programmer's View
35 2014 - A Keynote
36 Not Dumping .NET - Microsoft's Method
37 Architecture Issues For eHealth Interoperability
38 Heartbleed Makes The Case For Managed Code
39 C# Guru - An Interview With Eric Lippert
40 Developers - Microsoft Is Back!
41 Why The Internet Of Things Has A Problem
42 The Perils Of Mozilla
43 Catalyst And More - An Interview With Matt Trout
44 Review Of The Programming Year 2013
45 HTML Apps - The Long Road Yet To Travel
46 Robots Are Rubbish!
47 Web Apps Or Firefox OS Apps?
48 WAT! JavaScript, Ignorance And Prejudice
49 Why The End User Cloud Is Dead
50 Microsoft v The Developers
51 Is The Start Button Coming Back To Windows 8?
52 Perlito - An Interview With Flávio Glock
53 Windows 8 - The Desktop Destroyer
54 Why PyWeek: An Interview with Richard Jones
55 Teach Code In School - Before It's Too Late!
56 What Every Developer Needs To Know Now
57 Data Typing Is A Relic
58 Programming News Review Of 2012
59 Niecza - Perl 6 Implemented in .NET
60 Trouble At Code School
61 IE The Browser You Loved To Hate
62 HTML5 After The Hype
63 JavaScript Is Basic's Offspring
64 Perl 6 and Parrot - In Conversation with Moritz Lenz
65 The Disastrous Fragmentation Of Web Apps
66 Living In The Post .NET Era
67 When Open Source Attacks
68 How Google Took Over My Digital Life
69 The New Kindles - The Rise Of Amazondroid
70 A New Microsoft Logo - Sign Of The Times
71 MOOCs Fail Students With Dark Age Methods
72 Why the Trope of Anita Sarkeesian Matters
73 IronJS - In Conversation with Fredrik Holmström
74 A Woman at Google I/O
75 The State of Windows 8
76 The Astonishing Tale of WP8 - Compiling 100,000 Apps
77 Jailbreaking the Developer
78 Windows 8 Release Preview - Marriage of Inconvenience
79 Microsoft's Extinction Event
80 The Oracle v Google Trial IProgrammer Reads the Patents
81 Why Do We Tolerate IE? Just Say No
82 How Microsoft Could Have Done Metro
83 The Functional View of the New Languages
84 The War At Microsoft - Managed v Unmanaged
85 Windows 8's Private API - WOA For Developers
86 The One Addition That Would Make HTML5 Great
87 2011 - I Programmer's Review of the Year
88 2011 - The Year HTML5 Won
89 Why We Don't Need Even More Programming Languages
90 Windows 8: A Frankenstein Monster
91 Raspberry Pi or Programming - What shall we teach the children?
92 Windows Phone 7 Sunk by Silverlight
93 Windows Fragmentation
94 Ingres becomes Actian - some questions answered
95 Gadget failure - overlapping windows and screen size
96 JavaScript - is the new Basic!
97 HTML - is it really going to hack it?
98 Semantic HTML5?
99 How will Windows Phone 7 be successful?
100 To be a programmer in a post PC era..
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