Learn To Build A Full Stack Application with Azure SQL And Prisma
Written by Nikos Vaggalis   
Friday, 13 January 2023

A self paced course by Microsoft Learn based on a real case study on how to apply Azure SQL with Prisma and Vue.

Microsoft is pushing hard to make its Azure platform a major player in the Cloud Computing market, in an attempt to make Azure the dominant environment for developing applications. To that end, Microsoft has launched a multitude of educational programs and courses, like the one we recently examined in "Take the Azure Cosmos DB Cloud Skills Challenge", a free, self-paced course by Microsoft gives you the chance to expand your knowledge of Azure Cosmos DB .

This Prisma one falls into the same category; free, self-paced and quick to deliver. In it you learn how to create a Full Stack application from Front to Back-End, using:

  • Node. js
  • Vue. Js
  • Prisma
  • Azure SQL Database
  • Azure Functions
  • Azure Static Web Apps
  • GitHub Actions

But first let's a look at the stack. We don't have to talk about Node/Vue and GitHub actions;everybody knows what they are.
But some who are new to the Azure stack will not be familiar with its components the such as Azure SQL, Azure Functions and Static Web apps.

So, Azure SQL Database is part of the Azure SQL family, and is an always-up-to-date, fully managed relational database service built for the cloud.

Azure Functions, provide serverless compute for Azure. You can use Functions to build web APIs, respond to database changes, process IoT streams, manage message queues, and more.

Azure Static Web Apps provide static content hosting and dynamic scaling for integrated serverless APIs. They support JavaScript and TypeScript front-end apps including those developed with popular frameworks like Vue. js, React, Angular, and more.

And what about Prisma? While not tied exclusively to Azure it's new tech so I left the best for the end. Prisma is an open source Next-generation Node. js and TypeScript ORM. It consists of the following parts:

  • Prisma Client: Auto-generated and type-safe query builder for Node. js & TypeScript

  • Prisma Migrate: Migration system

  • Prisma Studio: GUI to view and edit data in your database

  • Prisma Client can be used in any Node. js (supported versions) or TypeScript backend application (including serverless applications and microservices). This can be a REST API, a GraphQL API, a gRPC API, or anything else that needs a database.


Prisma's main goal is to make application developers more productive when working with databases. Here are a few examples of how Prisma achieves this:

  • Thinking in objects instead of mapping relational data

  • Queries not classes to avoid complex model objects

  • Single source of truth for database and application models

  • Healthy constraints that prevent common pitfalls and anti-patterns

  • An abstraction that makes the right thing easy ("pit of success")

  • Type-safe database queries that can be validated at compile time

  • Less boilerplate so developers can focus on the important parts of their app

  • Auto-completion in code editors instead of needing to look up documentation

The course combines all those components to build a fully fledged database driven Employee management application.
according to the following syllabus:

  • Course Overview
  • Learning Objectives
  • What is Prisma?
  • Why Should we use Prisma?
  • Key Concepts about Prisma
  • Important Resources & Recap
  • What is Azure SQL?
  • Why should we use Azure SQL?
  • Azure SQL Support in Prisma
  • Important Resources & Recap
  • What is Azure Static Web Apps?
  • Azure Static Web Apps Workflow
  • Why should we use ASWA?
  • Frameworks we can use with ASWA
  • Important Resources & Recap
  • Dev Tools Overview & Installation
  • Configuring . devContainer folder
  • Important Resources & Recap
  • Application Overview
  • Forking the Front-End Application
  • Structuring the Back-End Project
  • Creating Database Server
  • Creating Database
  • Creating Shadow Database
  • Install packages
  • Modeling Database with Prisma
  • Using Prisma Migrations
  • Using Prisma Studio
  • Developing 'CreateEmployee'
  • Developing 'GetEmployee' 
  • Developing 'UpdateEmployee'
  • Developing 'DeleteEmployee'
  • Deploying the App with ASWA
  • Next Steps

The 37 videos are pretty short in length, in the range of 2 to 10 minutes, so this makes for a weekend's light reading list.

While I was initially drawn into it by the Prisma aspect, the rest of the stack is actually making for a good project too. At the same time you get acquainted with the Azure platform, something that might prove useful, indeed...


More Information

A Full Stack Application with Azure SQL & Prisma-Youtube playlist

A Full Stack Application with Azure SQL & Prisma-Github

Related Articles

Take the Azure Cosmos DB Cloud Skills Challenge


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