Jetpack Compose Multiplatform Alpha Released
Written by Nikos Vaggalis   
Wednesday, 04 August 2021

Jetpack Compose Multiplatform, an extension to the Jetpack Compose UI framework from JetBrains, now in Alpha, makes it possible to build Android, Desktop, and Web UIs with the same artifacts from a single codebase.

But's let take things from the beginning. It all started with Jetpack Compose UI for Android, then moved on to Compose Desktop and finally Compose web.I've made an effort to put things into perspective with "Jetpack Compose For Web - Putting Order To Chaos".The common denominator was and is to enable UI code sharing between desktop, Android and Web applications.

Before the dust settled with the latest release of Compose Web Technology preview last May,we now have Compose Multiplatform perpetuating the mystery. What does that mean, and what is its relation to Compose Desktop and Web? It surely sounds that it somehow takes their place.

The truth is that Compose for Desktop and Compose for Web are being promoted to Alpha from their currently Milestone and Preview states, and their versioning will from now be aligned with the rest of the Compose Multiplatform and will:

use the same declarative approach and APIs used for modern Android applications to create native-feeling user interfaces for desktop and web apps

Previously, Compose for Desktop and Compose for Web used separate sets of artifacts. And that's the uniformity Compose Multiplatform offers;a set of APIs (DOM,CSS,etc) to write your multiplatform code in under a single Gradle plugin and group of artifacts, meaning it’s easier than ever to get started with developing Android, desktop, and web user interfaces based on Compose.

Of course, it works on top of Kotlin Multiplatform, the SDK for cross-platform development provided by JetBrains, which is the technology the supports the code sharing.

As far as IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio support goes,there's going to be a plugin released that enables working with it.



More Information

Compose Multiplatform official announcement


Related Articles

Jetpack Compose For Web - Putting Order To Chaos



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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 04 August 2021 )