Community Edition of jQuery Controls
Written by David Conrad   
Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Infragistics has released NetAdvantage for jQuery Community Edition, an entry level version of its client-side control toolset for developers using jQuery and JavaScript.

NetAdvantage for jQuery was initially released last year and updated this year so that every control is Touch enabled to give cleaner, faster, more fluid control of mobile applications. One of its key components is the jQuery Grid, the use of which is explained in Getting started with NetAdvantage jQuery.



One of the addition in the 2012 release was jQuery Chart, which includes:


  • CategoryDateTimeXAxis
  • Axis Label Templating
  • Financial Indicators
  • Value Overlays
  • Motion Framework






Designed for developers at small agencies, companies, and consultants who are curious about HTML5 application development the Community Edition contains the same suite of HTML5 control for mobile intelligence as NetAdvantage for jQuery but with only Forum support, which reduces its price by over 50%.




More Information

Infragistics jQuery controls

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Getting started with NetAdvantage jQuery


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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 27 June 2012 )