Half Price Computer Science On Coursera For A Limited Time
Written by Sue Gee   
Thursday, 23 June 2016

If you sign up for a course today, look out for a nice surprise. For a limited but unspecified time Atlassian's offering to subsidize. The offer extends to all Computer Science and today's a day there's 50% off at the checkout.

That can just about be sung to the tune of the Teddy Bear's picnic. It's just too good an offer not to make a song and dance about and if you don't know about it is really well hidden - you have to get to the final stage of the checkout before you see this "Use Offer" button.



Why is Atlassian being so generous? According to the promo sent to Coursera students:

Atlassian, creator of leading software products JIRA, Bitbucket, Confluence, and Hipchat, is collaborating with Coursera to grow the community of software developers by helping motivated learners get the technical skills they need.



The small print says:

Select courses and Specializations only

However, Cousera has clarified that:

All courses in our computer science category except for a handful (~10) of our geospatial and bioinformatics courses are eligible. The Atlassian scholarship can be applied to complete Specializations, but it replaces the pre-pay discount.

So this gives around 220 courses included in the offer and if you, for example, use the Pre-Pay option covering all of the 5-course Scala Specialization, you'll pay around $200 rather than $400. For Data Structures and Algorithms, which has six courses you'll save even more - but you won't get the normal Pre-Pay discount as well.



When providing an overview of any Coursera MOOC I always point out that it is possible to audit them for free, but this misses out not only the certificate but also "graded items" - so not only can't you prove to other people that you've done the course, you can't even have you knowledge tested. So this 50% off should be a big incentive. It is however well hidden and you don''t even get to hear about it when you make the choice between Purchase or Audit.




It is only once you've decided on the paying option and continued to the checkout that you see the offer and have the option of using it.

So hurry down to the woods - no to Coursera - while the offer is still available. 


More Information

Coursera Computer Science

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Last Updated ( Saturday, 25 June 2016 )