New Twitter Devs Site - will it fly?
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Twitter is taking developers seriously at last and has  re-launched the Twitter Developers site.

The question is will it fly?

The numbers might have something to do with Twitter attempting to make developers feel welcome; according to the newly revamped, there are 750,000 developers building on the Twitter platform, and over 1,000,000 registered applications - which is an amazing number for a platform that is essentially about short messaging. Clearly there needs to be some mechanism for keeping this vast horde under control and engaged.


Until now, Twitter interacted with its developers via a Google Group, but according to a post on the new blog on the site, Twitter decided:

“we needed a new home to support the Twitter community better. So, we listened to everyone and gathered your ideas. The new site enhances communication channels, offers improved reference material and documentation, and will foster better interaction for everyone who visits it.”

The site was originally launched last year but wasn’t particularly active. It now includes a discussion area with "hot topics" and a “Dev Teatime” section to focus on a more social side of the community. The new forums are organised by topics with one for each API type - REST, Streaming and website. Other topic areas include developer questions on subjects such as authentication and policies.

The new developer blog will be used to make API announcements alongside news of events, tips and how-tos. The documentation has been revamped to have better structure and searchability and the structure is apparently easier to update so the information should stay up to date. There’s a new app manager that Twitter promises will provide more comprehensive information for apps you develop.

The blog post promises that the site is just a starting point and new features will be added based on user feedback.

Let's hope it flies this time around - but from the look of its over-weight logo it might have trouble getting off the ground.



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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 13 July 2011 )