js1024 - How Much Awesomeness Can You Pack In Just 1K?
Written by Nikos Vaggalis   
Thursday, 06 August 2020

js1024 is the continuation of the legendary js1k JavaScript golfing competition which ended last year and like its predecessor is planned to be an annual contest. The winners of the first one  have just been announced.

 js1024 is a competition falling in the realm of the Demoscene where you create little games or audio-visual demonstrations using as few resources as possible.

One notable example is js13kGames, which we covered back in 2017, where you have to write a full game within a 13K limit. In js1024 the requirements are even more restricted - your code's size should come up to a maximum of 1024 bytes! Really, what can you do with that amount of space?

Turns out to be a lot. For instance, the winner of the competition managed to pack a piano player within that limit.  1Keys - A 1 Kilobyte JavaScript Piano, simulates three instruments and is playable by both keyboard and mouse! To produce it, its creator tapped into Javascript's powerful Web Audio API audio library.

1 Key's code, comments included, spans just 116 lines of Javascript! Truly amazing.

The competition categories included the use of the 2d canvas, the P5js library and the use of Shaders (that is, WebGL).As such the second place went to Star Traveler, a beautiful 2d canvas visual demo that takes you to the stars, the 5th place to the scenery demo of Wetlands, a shader-based project and the 6th to AquaPop1K a game based on p5js which actually is a version of Pang ported to JavaScript.

In 3rd place there was a spinoff of the classic Snakes game, Shedding Snake and in 4th, Avoid, a game in which the player has to avoid things flying their way.

The code of all project code is of course open source and available online; the links are provided on each project's entry on the js1024k web site. Furthermore some projects also have postmortem writeups detailing how they were actually engineered by their authors.

Some of them are :
Detective Moji postmortem

JavaScript Balloon 1k postmortem

and of course, the winner's 
1Keys – How I Made a Piano in only 1kb of JavaScript

All that awesomeness crammed into just 1K. But wait.If you thought that this was too little, you should have a look at Dwitter where you create art, writing code the equivalent of the size of a Tweet, that is in just 140 characters!

The next js1024 contest takes place in July 2021.



More Information

js1024 results

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Last Updated ( Thursday, 06 August 2020 )