AspectJS 2.0 Released
Written by Alex Denham   
Friday, 01 May 2015

A new version of AspectJS has been released with a set of clients to extend the usefulness of the product.


AspectJS is a library that yields aspect-oriented solutions in JavaScript by means of method-call interception using proxy functions.

Aspect-oriented programming separates general code from those elements (aspects) that interact with other objects or layers by crossing the boundaries between them. The improvements to version 2.0 of AspectJS start with updates to the implementation of the core AJS object. The clients that are now included with the library are an AJS validator, logger and on demand loader.

AJS_Validator supports Design by Contract techniques, with full support for enforcing pre- and post-conditions. AJS_Validator lets you test and debug your applications both locally and remotely.

The developer, Richard Vaughan of UK-based Dodeca Technologies, says that the client’s non-invasive nature:

“renders trivial the application and removal of validation functionality. This yields strong policing of type, value and system-state during development, with none of the overheads during deployment.”


The second client is AJS_Logger. This lets you instrument method calls within an application so you can debug and profile it locally or remotely, without disturbing the code you’re working on.


The final client is AJS_ODL. This lets you use on-demand loading of JSON, JavaScript, CSS and HTML code. It can also be used to load images, videos, audios and other resources automatically when the method is invoked.

You don’t need to understand the AJS object to use the clients, and the AJS object, AJS_Validator and AJS_Logger do not require host types to operate, and so will run on any platform, not just web browsers.

Another option provided by AJS_Validator is that of keeping track of the calls you make to the methods of the AJS object, AJS_Logger and AJS_ODL - a recursive application of the product. AJS_Validator also applies itself recursively to validate calls to the range of ancillary methods that it supports.

The AspectJS website has an extensive test suite and documentation and enables you to purchase the library via Pay Pal for £3.85 (around USD $ 5.90) an amount described as the price of a beer in London.


More Information

AspectJS website

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Last Updated ( Friday, 01 May 2015 )