Node.js Foundation Heals Rift
Written by Ian Elliot   
Tuesday, 16 June 2015

The Node.js Foundation, hosted by the Linux Foundation, has officially launched and is reuniting the Node.js and io.js communities. A major release of Node.js that will merge the two code bases is expected within a few weeks.  

At the end of 2014 Node.js was forked by a large group of its contributors who were unhappy with the way that the project's main sponsor Joyent was managing the project. The breakaway devs formed the io.js project which added advanced features to the platform at a rapid pace. 

Clearly unhappy about the damage being done to Node.js, Joyent announced the formation of the Node.js Foundation in February and in May io.js decided to join it, effectively remerging with Node.js.

The Node.js Foundation is a Linux Foundation Collaborative Project, meaning that the Linux Foundation provides the essential collaborative and organizational framework so project hosts can focus on innovation and results.

It open, technical governance structure has been determined with input from contributors from both the Node.js and io.js communities. The model includes a Technical Steering Committee that will direct technical decisions, oversee working group projects and manage contributions to the node code base, and a Board of Directors to guide business decisions. The Node.js and io.js Technical Committees are merging to form the Node.js Foundation Technical Steering Committee, demonstrating the formal collaboration these communities will pursue to advance the code bases. 


The members of the foundation at its three tiers include:

Platinum     Famous, IBM, Intel, Joyent,
Microsoft, PayPal
Gold  GoDaddy, NodeSource,
Progress Software
Silver Codefresh, DigitalOcean, Fidelity,
Groupon, nearForm, npm,
Sauce Labs, SAP, StrongLoop, YLD! 

Additionally, there will be an individual membership class, which will have representation on the board. 

Commenting on the official launch of the foundation, Jim Zemlin, executive director at The Linux Foundation said:

 “The Node.js Foundation provides a neutral structure to balance the needs of all constituents in the community: the users, vendors and contributors. As projects grow to the size of Node.js, they benefit from the neutrality, open governance and community that only a foundation can provide. By tapping into the strength of an empowered, unified community, the Node.js Foundation will advance this rapidly growing platform that supports millions of users around the world.” 


As far as Node.js users concerned the formation of the foundation and having the rift between its developer factions healed is good news, as is the prospect of a major new release reuniting the codes bases..  nodejs

More Information

Node.js Foundation Advances Community Collaboration, Announces New Members and Ratified Technical Governance

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