Nao Plays Jingle Bells
Written by Harry Fairhead   
Saturday, 24 December 2011

(a xylophone, if you recall, has wooden not metal bars).




Even if you can't stand Jingle Bells, it is worth watching this because it demonstrates the huge difference between some of the very polished Nao performances we have seen as part of the promotional effort and something more homely and realistic.


Yes, he doesn't seem to get the tune right and it is far too slow and lacks expression. The movements are jerky and there isn't much sign of any damping a having been applied. My guess is that the code was produced in a hurry to amuse us so don't be too critical. However, it does point out how difficult it is to do an impressive job on even a simple robot task.

More Information

Humanoid Robots Lab at the University of Freiburg!

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