Android Studio Iguana With Crash Reports
Written by Mike James   
Tuesday, 05 March 2024

Google has announced that the latest version of Android Studio, Iguana, is now stable. It has version control system support in App Quality Insights and new built-in support for creating baseline profiles for Jetpack Compose apps.

Android Studio is the official IDE for Android. It is based on Jetbrain's IntelliJ IDEA, and supports the same programming languages as IntelliJ with extensions for Android.


The new crash reports are intended for use by developers using the Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) version 8.3 or later and the latest version of the Crashlytics SDK. This version of AGP includes git commit information as part of the build artifact, and if a crash happens, Crashlytics attaches the git information to the report, and Android Studio Iguana uses this information to compare your local checkout with the exact code that caused the crash from your git history. The new version of Studio has new crash reports in the App Quality Insights window that can be used to navigate to the line of code in your current git checkout.

Another improvement in Iguana is a new UI Check mode in Compose Preview. This works similarly to visual linting, and can be used to check for adaptive and accessibility issues across different screen sizes, such as text that's stretched on large screens or low color contrast.

There's also a new Baseline Profiles module wizard that lets you create Baseline Profiles to give Android the data it needs to make apps faster to start up on a new device. The new template configures your project to support Baseline Profiles and uses the latest Baseline Profiles Gradle plugin. This helps with slow startups caused by Android having to run just-in-time compilation.

Another minor improvement is that Compose Previews now implement progressive rendering, which lowers the detail of out-of-view previews to boost performance.

Android Studio Iguana is available now.


More Information

Android Studio Website

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 05 March 2024 )