Apple's Revamped Developer Portal
Written by Lucy Black   
Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Apple has updated its developer web portal adding a new section entitled "Making Great Apps for the App Store" aimed at helping developers grow their businesses and reach more users with their apps. 


The brand new section of the portal is Developer Insights with a selection of success stories, starting with one from Seriously about building a brand on social media for its game, Best Friends.

The content in the Submissions and Guidelines sections of the App Store portal already existed, but Planning contains a mix of old and new content. Two new articles listed under Build Your App Store Presence cover discoverability. Discovery on the App Sore covers how Apple's editors choose apps to features and how users navigate the app store, while Choosing a Category helps you decide which primary and which secondary category to assign your app to.




There are three new articles in The Business of Apps starting with Choosing a Business Model which outlines the four options: Free; Freemium; Paid and Paymium, the last one being a combination or pay to initially download and later options of buying or subscribing to premium features. The other new articles are Using the Freemium Business Model and Offering Subscriptions.

The final sub-section is called Expand and Engage Your Audience and has two new articles, bringing its total to 8. They are: Engaging Users with App Updates and User Acquisition Marketing with App Analytics. 



Apple's revamped App Store developer section coincided with the announcement its 2016 Worldwide Developers Conference, set to take place from June 13 to June 17 in San Francisco, California which will encompass the range of devices and operating systems for which you can create apps will be featured, with new versions of OS X and iOS due to be unveiled.


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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 27 April 2016 )