$170K Developer Challenge for Android
Written by Lucy Black   
Thursday, 11 October 2012

The AllJoyn Peer-2-Peer Challenge has prizes of cash and hardware for building games, social apps and games using Qualcomm's open source SDK.

In order to participate developers must use the AllJoyn SDK library and integates its technology into a new or existing Android application.




You may never have heard of the AllJoyn SDK - but presumably that is one of the reasons for this competition. Launched in February 2011 it is an open source project designed to allow developers to create apps and services that use peer-to-peer technology.

If you would like to know a bit more about the P2P framework in question then the quickest way is to watch the following video:



The contest also draws attention to QualComm's range of Snapdragon S4 Processors for smartphones and tablets with five SnapDragon S4 Pro APQ8064-based Mobile Development Platform/Tablet (valued at $1,299 each) being awarded as "Honorable Mention prizes.

The remainder of the prizes are cash. $10,000 will be awarded for three categories of app - Gaming, Educational and Social - and also for Best Multi-screen Experience.

However, the big prizes are for Best Overall App with a Grand Prize of $75,000, Second Prize of $25,00 and Third Prize of $15,000. There are also two Popular Choice Awards ($6,000 and $4,000). 

Organizations with 50 or more employees are not eligible to win cash prizes but there is a Large Organization Recognition Award.

The rules also restrict entries to being from specific territories:South Korea, where Quallcomm has its headquarters and also United States, Japan, China, India, Germany, United Kingdom and Israel.

Both teams and individuals can enter with the proviso that participants have reached the age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence at the time of entry and are legal residents there. Some developers have expressed disappointment at being excluded but the reason for the limitations is said to be "legal restrictions". See the competition rules for all the small print.

Submission to the contest require the name and a text description of the application with  at least one screenshot of it  working; a link to a video posted on YouTube, Vimeo.com or, for contestants in China, a video sharing website accessible by the general public, that clearly demonstrates the Application’s functionality and features; and either a link to an app store where the Application can be accessed or downloaded by the public or an .apk file containing the Application.

As well as quality of the app and the overall user experience, the judging criteria include how well AllJoyn technology was integrated in its implementation.

The submission period for the competition opened on September 17 and closes on December 27, 2012. Public voting for the Popular Choice Awards is scheduled to take place at the same time as the judging period, January 16 - 29, 2013, and winners will be announced at the end of February.



More Information

AllJoyn Peer-2-Peer Challenge

AllJoyn SDK library






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