Τhe SivaLabs SpringBoot Tips Video Series
Written by Nikos Vaggalis   
Friday, 04 November 2022

Even if you already use Spring Boot you may not understand how it works. We look at a great video series on Spring Boot for beginners, compiled as a Youtube playlist, which goes behind the scenes to explain its inner workings.

It comes from Siva Prasad Reddy who has extensive experience with the framework as well as being author of a couple of books on Packt publishing and Beginning Spring Boot 2 published in 2017 by Apress.

He started this video series because he realized that:

the common thing with people who are completely new to SpringBoot, it looks like a magic. Even people, who have been working with SpringBoot for some time, know how to use it but don’t know how it works behind the scenes.

This is his attempt to explain things in layman's terms and addresses questions like:

  • How do you know for which library dependency we need to include <version> in pom. xml and for which library we don’t have to?

  • Why shouldn’t I use @SpringBootTest for my unit tests?

  • There are so many options to configure application properties. Which one to use? Are there any best practices around it?

  • How SpringBoot AutoConfiguration works? Can we create our own starters as well?

  • How AOP works? What are some practical usages of AOP?

It comprises10 videos 15-40 minutes in length :

Part 1 - How DependencyManagement works in SpringBoot applications

Part 2 - Managing Application Configuration Properties In The Right Way

Part 3 - How to implement Logging in SpringBoot applications

Part 4 - How to write Unit, Slice & Integration Tests in SpringBoot Applications

Part 5 - Integration Testing using Testcontainers

Part 6 - Exception Handling in SpringBoot Applications

Part 7 - Exception Handling in SpringBoot REST APIs using problem-spring-web

Part 8 - Making SpringBoot Application Production Ready using Actuator

Part 9 - Monitoring Spring Boot applications using Spring Boot Admin

Part 10 - Generating Swagger docs for SpringBoot REST APIs

Easy to watch, easy to follow, very useful, especially Part 5 on Testcontainers. Beginners aside there's certainly something there, even for intermediate users of the framework.


More Information

Youtube Playlist

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Last Updated ( Monday, 07 November 2022 )