Android Ice Cream Sandwich arrives!
Written by Harry Fairhead   
Saturday, 15 October 2011

While the launch of Ice Cream Sandwich was  delayed, no-one thought to postpone the statue, which has now been put in its place with the rest of the Android family.

Before you get too excited, it is only the statue joining the others outside of Google HQ, but the real thing isn't far away. It was supposed to break cover this week but it was postponed - ostensibly as a mark of respect for Steve Jobs, but in the real world of business who knows. 

Ice Cream Sandwich is the version of Android made to rule them all as the headline writers would say. It is the first version of Android designed to work on phones and tablets and it might mark a phase of consolidation and settling down. 

Anyway it looks as if the statue was on its way and, rather than cancel the deal, Ice Cream Sandwich has joined the others.




You might like to speculate on what the "sculpture court" will look like after a few dozen more Android releases. And in years to come computer archaeologists will spend much time arguing about the role of such strange totems among the Googler's.




Oh yes, and finally, the real Ice Cream Sandwich will be with us next week on Tuesday, if it isn't cancelled a second time.


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Last Updated ( Monday, 14 November 2011 )