Real eXtreme programming
Written by Lucy Black   
Sunday, 13 May 2012

 You may think you know what eXtreme Programming is all about, but perhaps you didn't think quite extreme enough. We have a short amusing video that shows how to join the ranks of dangerous occupations.

eXtreme programming sounds tough. That's probably the whole reason the name was adopted. In practice it isn't so extreme. Refactoring, pair programming, stories, code smells and so on are almost mainstream programming now. But there are still some eXtreme programmers out there:



This also seems like a good way to get added to the list of dangers in this week's cartoon:



Let us all be thankful that programming is such a safe occupation. Unless, that is, you choose to be a Lisp programmer.

Further Reading

Who’s Afraid of eXtreme Programming


kotlin book



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Last Updated ( Sunday, 13 May 2012 )