RStudio Adds SparklyR Support
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Wednesday, 09 November 2016

Version 1 of RStudio, the IDE for R, is now officially released. The new version, which is the 10th major release since its initial launch in 2011, has integrated support for the sparklyR package and authoring tools for R Notebooks. 

RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R and includes a code console, syntax-highlighting editor, and tools for plotting, history, debugging and workspace management. 

As we reported when it was launched last month, sparklyr is a new package that provides an interface between R and Apache Spark. The sparklyr support in RStudio 1.0 includes tools for creating and managing Spark connections; browsing the tables and columns of Spark DataFrames; and previewing the first 1,000 rows of Spark DataFrames. The IDE includes a new Spark pane with a connection dialog that can be used to make connections to local or remote Spark instances. You can then browse the tables contained within the Spark cluster.

R Notebooks adds a notebook authoring engine to R Markdown. Notebook interfaces make it easy to mix code, its output and annotation. You can create a notebook page that looks like a presentation or a lesson and this is the main use of the idea. R Markdown has many similarities to traditional notebooks like Jupyter and Beaker, but code is typically executed in batch, whereas in more traditional notebooks it is executed interactively, one cell at a time.


R Notebooks brings the interactive model of execution to your R Markdown documents, according to  J.J. Allaire, Founder of RStudio. He says R Notebooks:

"gives you the capability to work quickly and iteratively in a notebook interface without leaving behind the plain-text tools, compatibility with version control, and production-quality output you’ve come to rely on from R Markdown."

R Notebooks avoids the need to re-knit the document to see your changes, as you can run code and see the results in the document immediately. Results from individual inline expressions can be previewed, as can LaTeX equations.

The new version also adds performance profiling via integration with the profvis package, authoring tools for R Markdown sites and bookdown; and better data import tools based on the readr, readxl and haven packages.


RStudio 1.0 is available from the RStudio website.


More Information

RStudio site

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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 09 November 2016 )