API consoles launched
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Apigee has today launched API consoles for the LinkedIn, PayPal, Foursquare, Twilio and SoundCloud APIs.


Apigee has expanded its range of API consoles with ones for:

  • LinkedIn
  • PayPal
  • Foursquare
  • Twilio
  • SoundCloud

These free API tools let developers explore, debug and code against the APIs, allowing them to authenticate, view request/response pairs, drill into errors and share what they are seeing with others.


(Click to expand)

The Apigee API Explorers have several features to simplify authentication, adoption, debugging and sharing:

• Support for OAuth, HTTP basic and custom token authorization schemes: The API consoles support OAuth to allow simplified authorization for the Foursquare, LinkedIn and SoundCloud APIs; OAuth and HTTP basic for the Twilio API and custom tokens for the PayPal API. Developers only need to authenticate once for the entire session.

• Syntax highlighting and request auto-complete: The API consoles list all API methods, allowing developers to send requests in two clicks and view the response with syntax highlight for JSON and XML. The API consoles also auto-complete requests, making it easier than ever to get started on each API.

• Parameters Pop-Up: Developers can easily configure request parameters by using the Apigee parameters pop-up, designed to support simple experimentation for figuring out what is needed for apps and integrations.

• "Share" Snapshot: Developers can take a snapshot of API request/response pairs and share them with a unique URL, letting developer communities solve problems, debug and share support issues.


Apigee already has similar support  for Facebook, Twitter and SimpleGeo APIs.

For more information visit apigee

Related reading:

Google API Console



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Last Updated ( Thursday, 11 November 2010 )