JavaScript is Great ...
Saturday, 01 January 2011

According to your votes JavaScript isn't half bad and in fact it's just more than half good. Take a look at the results for yourself and find out what the next I Programmer Poll is all about.



Who would have throught that JavaScript could be controvertial?

At the start of our poll on what you thought of the language the conclusion looked as it if was going to be an overwhelming vote for "Terrible Language".

Then as the days moved on towards the end of the year the JavaScript supporters seem to gain the upper hand. A simple reading of the results suggests that 35% thought it was a great language - as long as you understood it - versus 28% who thought it "terrible".




Now this seems to be a narrow win for JavaScript - but wait. Another 16% thought that it was the "Web language of the future". So that means that 51% thought positive things about JavaScript compared to only 28% with strong negative emotions and a vague 21% who thought that is was "just a scripting language" and so can be counted as neutral.

So the final conclusion has to be that JavaScript isn't half bad but clearly there are some programmers out there who feel tortured by this terrible monster.

If you are still confused about JavaScript have a look at Why JavaScript is a Jem.

The first poll of 2011 ask about how you like to program. Is a drag-and-drop designer essential when you are working on a user interface or web page. Or  are such tools just for sissies because reall programmers do it in code!

We want to know your opinion.

If you have any suggestions for a future poll - then tell the editor.


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Last Updated ( Saturday, 01 January 2011 )