ASP.NET MVC 3 released
Friday, 21 January 2011

We've been looking forward to the latest version of ASP.NET MVC 3 with Razor for some months. The final version has now been released.



It's official you can now use ASP.NET MVC 3 in your production code because it's testing phase is over and its ready to download and use.

Top of the list of new features in ASP.NET MVC 3 is the Razor view engine - syntax, more extensibility hooks, new JavaScript features, better validation, easier caching, better dynamic support, and lots more

There is also:

  • Improved support for Dependency Injection
  • Global Action Filters
  • jQuery based Unobtrusive Ajax and Client Validation.
  • ViewBag property for dynamic access to ViewData.
  • Support for view engine selection in the New Project and Add View dialog


Version 1.0 of NuGet, an open source package manager for .NET, is included in this version of ASP.NET MVC, and is also available for download it separately.


It installs side-by-side with MVC 2 so you can try it out without being worried about rolling it back.

WebMatrix, which also uses Razor, was released at the same time - see WebMatrix released

More Information

Install it via Web Platform Installer or download the installer directly

Further reading

New .NET tools in beta - NuPack, ASP .NET MVC 3, WebMatrix

Microsoft WebMarix and Razor

MVC - it's the routing stupid!

ASP.Net MVC in Action

Dependency Injection



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Last Updated ( Friday, 21 January 2011 )