Intellij IDEA Improves Coding Assistance
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Thursday, 07 December 2017

There's a major update of Intellij IDEA, with smarter coding assistance, a better debugger, and a Run Dashboard that lets you rerun, stop and terminate applications. The Intellij IDEA is a well-known Java IDE. There are quite a few changes to the new version, spread across the various elements of the IDE. 

In terms of straight Java support, the smart code completion now recognizes type casts and uses them to suggest chains of method calls. The range of inspections has been improved, with new or improved support for inspection for redundant throws declarations, and improved handling of code using deprecated methods by suggestions of quick fixes if there's a replacement method in the JavaDoc, There's also better support for JUnit including the ability to run tests inside the Run Dashboard tool window.


As you'd expect in the first major version of IDEA since the release of Java EE 8, there are plenty of improvements for handling Java EE, starting with support for asynchronous CDI Events, and the ability to navigate between where the event was fired and where this event was received.  The IDE also supports the new built-in CDI classes, RequestContextController and InterceptionFactory. The support for dynamic beans CDI extensions lets you navigate between Injection point and Injected Beans using the icons in the gutter. Java EE's HTTP/2 support added Server push in Java EE 8, meaning the server can send content to the client without an initial request from the client side. IDEA now supports this and offers path completion for the PushBuilder.

The JVM debugger has been improved with a new on-demand data renderers feature to reduce overhead. The Async Stacktraces feature has also been improved to be less resource hungry and to work out of the box.

The support for Spring has been extended with better handling of Spring Beans dependencies diagrams, and support for Spring Boot acuator endpoints.

The Kotlin plugin that is bundled has been updated to v1.2, and support has been added for the experimental Kotlin multiplatform projects feature. Improvements to Gradle support include a new Build tool window for Gradle output.

If you're coding in JavaScript or TypeScript, the IDE now supports Pull Member Up refactoring, meaning you can move class methods up the class hierarchy. You can also create an alias for a complex TypeScript type and automatically replace all its usages with the new name.


More Information

IntelliJ IDEA Website 

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