Geany 2 Simplifies Project Creation
Written by Alex Denham   
Monday, 30 October 2023

Geany 2.0 has been released 18 years after the original version. This release makes it simpler to create projects from existing directories with sources.

Geany aims to be a fast and easy-to-use code and text editor.  It is a free and open-source lightweight GUI text editor that uses Scintilla and GTK, and over the years has been extended to include basic IDE features. Geany's advantages include short load times, and having limited dependency on separate packages or external libraries on Linux.


The improvements to the new release start with the splitting of session data into session.conf. User preferences are now written to and read from geany.conf.

This release has been updated so it now requires GTK 3.24.

GTK is a free and open-source cross-platform widget toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces. Version 3.24 is the most up-to-date version.

The included version of Scintilla has also been updated to version 5.3. Scintilla is a free source code editing component that includes complete source code.  Lexilla, which is a free library of language lexers that can be used with Scintilla, has also been updated to version 5.2.7.

The new version of Geany now uses the "Prof-Gnome" GTK theme by default on Window. The developers say this provides a better experience, but fans of the "Adwaita" theme can still choose to activate it instead.

Elsewhere, many parsers from the Universal Ctags project have been synced, which the team says leads to updated symbol parsers; and filetypes including Kotlin, Markdown, Nim, PHP, and Python have been updated. New filetypes have also been added, specifically AutoIt and GDScript.

The Geary team warns that on some systems icons in Geany might be very big, which would lead to making the whole UI require a lot of space. This is due to an issue in the Adwaita icon theme in version 43. The advice is that users update the Adwaita icon theme or use another one. They say they are working on a workaround for this issue for future versions.

Geary 2.0 is available now.


More Information

Geary 2.0

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