Docker Introduces Build Cloud
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Monday, 29 January 2024

Docker is offering a new service, Docker Build Cloud. This is a cloud-based build service that Docker says makes it faster to create builds of Docker images by combining building in the cloud with the use of shared caches.

The open packaging technology of Docker lets you run an app without the need to install files on which your app depends on the system it is running on. Instead, your app gets its own operating system environment packaged with it.



The concept of the service is that building in the cloud speeds up build times because the cloud provides access to faster compute resources than are available on a developer’s local machine, and this approach provides more consistency between developers who may have newer or older machines.

The service also makes use of shared caches, meaning that when one team member initiates a build, the cached results become instantly accessible to others, thereby eliminating unnecessary builds and speeding up the development cycle.

Docker cited the example of one a customer who develops enterprise collaboration software, who was able to reduce their build time from an average duration of 15-20 minutes to less than two minutes using Docker Build Cloud.

The service also offers native support for multi-architecture builds, so making development easier for developers who need to create applications for both Intel (AMD64) and Apple Silicon/AWS Graviton (Arm64) chipsets. The native support for multi-architecture builds elimitates the need for setting up and maintaining multiple native builders.

The Docker team says that they have designed Docker Build Cloud to be easy to set up wherever you run your builds, and that it works well with Docker Compose, GitHub Actions, and other CI solutions.

Docker Build Cloud is available now.



More Information

Docker Build Cloud .

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Last Updated ( Monday, 29 January 2024 )