New Tutorial Tool in Komodo IDE 10.1
Written by Sue Gee   
Friday, 26 August 2016

ActiveState has released an update to its multi-language IDE. In addition to expanded support for AngularJS and GulpJS, Komodo 10.1 lets you create custom programming tutorials.


Komodo IDE caters for Python, PHP, JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS, Node.js, Golang, Ruby, Perl, and a variety of other languages and frameworks. Back in May we reported on the release of Komodo 10 which was a major update featuring a new interface, integration with build systems such as PhoneGap and Apache Cordova as well as expanding support fir Javascript frameworks to include AngularJS, EmberJS, and ReactJS.

The Tutorial Tool incorporated in Komodo 10.1 allows enterprises, educational institutions and individuals to create programming tutorials and to demonstrate the tutorial tool, a First Start Tutorial has been created to walk first-time users through Komodo itself.

In the ActiveState announcement the company's Director of Engineering, Tom Radcliffe, explained:

"Over the past few years, we have seen the rise of coding bootcamps and online training courses. However, teams are becoming more dispersed, and in-house training for developers is very important, whether it's crosstraining a seasoned developer in a new language or helping to bring a new or remote employee up to speed.

The new Tutorial Tool in Komodo is a great way for enterprises to create custom coding tutorials for their developers. Since Komodo supports some of the most popular programming languages, such Python, PHP and Go, chances are the programming language they need will be available."

The release also features publishing improvements whereby you can now force push and force pull files, which is useful for workflows where all you ever do is upload changes. Additionally a dynamic toolbar button for Publishing actions has been added giving quick access to common publishing tasks.


komodoide publishing improvements


Komodo 10.1 also adds more functionality for web developers
including support for Handlebars.js, the semantic web template system, support for syntax checking in Angular files and Gulp integration has been extended to support Gulp.babel tasks.

A free 21-day trial of Komodo IDE 10 is available and ActiveState has a free license program for school lab programs through its Education Partner program.




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