Julia 1.10 Updates Parser
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Tuesday, 09 January 2024

Julia 1.10 has been released with improvements including an updated parser that provides better diagnostics and faster parsing.

Julia is a dynamic language for technical computing optimized for running MATLAB and R-style programs. Development began on Julia at MIT in 2009, and has increased in popularity, recently becoming one of the top six languages for machine learning projects on GitHub.


The change to the updated parser, JuliaSyntax.jl, as the default will provide better diagnostics and faster parsing according to the Julia team. The previous parser was written in Scheme, whereas the new version is written in Julia. The ream says it provides significantly better performance for parsing code. It also offers detailed syntax error messages that provide more specific information, pinpointing the exact location of syntax issues. The parser also provides more advanced source code mapping. It generates expressions that track their position in the source code, making it easier to precisely locate errors. The team says this will also be useful for tools such as linters.

The new release also provides improvements in stacktrace rendering. When an error occurs Julia prints out the error together with a stacktrace that contains information including the method name, argument names and types, and the location of the method in the module and file. This can include a lot of information, and the new release has improvements to make stacktraces less verbose.

Other improvements include the addition of parallel garbage collection and the addition of profiling integration for the Tracy and Intel VTune ITTAPI. The profilers are now capable of reporting notable events such as compilation, major and minor GCs, invalidation and memory counters.

Julia recently made it into the TIOBE ratings top 20 for the first time. The TIOBE Index ranks languages in terms of their popularity and ratings, calculated using Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube and Baidu are based on the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors. Its stay in the Top 20 was brief and at the moment it is ranked 33, even so for a young language it was a laudable achievement and it only has to increase its rating by a small margin to regain and keep a TIOBE top-twenty slot.

Julia 1.10 is available now.


More Information

Julia Website

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