Rust's Rapid Rise on TIOBE Index
Written by Mike James   
Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Rust is making spectacular progress up the TIOBE index and JavaScript is also on the up and experiencing a personal best. Kotlin is maintaining its inclusion in the top 20 and the gap at the very top between Python and the other dominant languages is at its widest ever.

It is just a year since we reported, in July 2023, Languages Closely Tied At Top of TIOBE Index. C, C++ and Java were tightly clustered with only a percentage point between them and Python was just beginning to pull away, but with a less than 2% margin. Since then Python has increased its share of the rating from 13.42% to 16.12%. C++ now in 2nd place decreased from 10.80% to 10.44% while C, the language it overtook, decreased from 11.56% to 9.46% and Java reduced from 10.50% to 8.59%.

tiobe724Back in 2002, which is the earliest date on the chart, the joint share of the ratings of top two languages, Java and C, was nearly half. This month the rating for the top 4 sums to 44% and all bar Python is showing a downward trend. In fact, there are only two other languages in the Top 10 that are trending up. They are JavaScript, which this month is in 6th position, with a share of 3.79% which is the highest it has ever been in the index and Go, which maintains its own high of 7th position achieved, as we reported, last month.

It is Rust that is this month's high flyer. Last month it was in 17th position which was, at the time, the highest it had reached. Now, with only a 0.29% increase in its rating, it has risen to 13th having leapfrogged Ruby, Scratch, Assembly Language and PHP. If it continues on its current trajectory it won't be long before it will be moving into the top 10.


Kotlin is the other language that is currently showing a strong upward trend, but in this case at it follows something of a bumpy ride it finds itself back in 20th position, five places below its personal best which we reported on in November 2023. The current resurgence may be attributable to the release of Kotlin 2, which, in addition to having a faster compiler, also features Compose Multiplatform, something that any developer wanting to produce cross-platform apps for mobile, desktop and the web needs to know about. So watch this space where we'll be tracking Kotlin's progress. 


  • Mike James is the author of Programmers Guide To Kotlin, recently revised for its third edition which updates it for Kotlin 2.0 and includes  While Kotlin still can claim to be "a better Java" its cross-platform cababilities make it a language that will appeal to a much wider audience of  developers.

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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 10 July 2024 )