Google I/O 2015 Announced
Written by Lucy Black   
Wednesday, 11 February 2015

The 2015 Google developer conference will take place May 28th and 29th in San Francisco. The opportunity to purchase a ticket for the event will again be by lottery with a three-day registration window.


The Google I/O 2015 site is now open. It doesn't have much information as yet - but that is par for the course. Google doesn't reveal a lot prior to the event and of course it doesn't need to - it can count on the fact that thousands of devs want to attend. 

After selling out of tickets too quickly for comfort in its initial years, Google came up with the idea of a lottery in 2014 and will repeat this procedure this year. So there won't be a stampede for tickets when registration opens on March 17th at 9:00 PDT (17:00 UTC)  instead you have until 17:00  PDT on March 19th (01:00 on March 20th UTC). You'll need to have a Google account for the registration application process and the rubric states:

Applicants will be selected at random to receive the opportunity to purchase one ticket. The order in which applications are received has no bearing on the outcome and remember, only one registration application per person is allowed. 

For those who don't succeed in the lottery, and those who don't want to have to travel to San Francisco, there will be I/O Extended events by way of live streamed sessions, local developer demos, hackathons and more. As yet there are no details of any such events, but there is an Organizer Guide.  

Google's I/O website almost constitutes an event in its own right. To encourage devs to both visit and share there's a Chrome Experiment that lets you make music and discover your inner child with its twangy strings and drum kit.








The app, which opens when you click on the mixer icon on any page showcases the WebGL and Web Audio APIs and in the spirit of I/O, which stands for "Innovation in the Open", Google hopes you'll inspect the code as well as play with its five instruments. According to Android Police there are hidden Easter Eggs to be found and it has already revealed one - a dancing shark that appears when in response to:

 run experiment.consoleDance() 

Live or remote there's likely to be a lot to be learned from Google I/O 2015, even if its own website is currently a playground that doesn't give much information about what we'll discover in May.




More Information

Google I/O 2015


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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 11 February 2015 )