Book Watch Archive

Easy micro:bit Projects (Maker Media)
Thursday, 20 December 2018

This book teaches the basics of using the micro:bit, an open source hardware ARM-based embedded system used to teach computer programming, to build a series of 10 different gadgets from scratch. Author Eric Hagan shows how simple electrical devices like speakers, motors, buzzers and fans work, and explains electronic components like resistors, force resistors, photoresistors, LEDs, and Op Amps, as well as Infrared distance sensors and soil moisture sensors. The book also takes a beginner's look at micropython, one of the fastest-growing computer languages. Projects in this book combine multiple disciplines -- electronics, programming, and engineering -- to build a series of successful gadgets.


Component-Based Rails Applications (Addison-Wesley)
Wednesday, 19 December 2018

The premise of this book is that component-based applications make it easier to navigate code bases, implement new features, and keep tests fast. Writing for programmers and software team leads who are comfortable with Ruby and Rails, author Stephan Hagemann introduces a practical, start-to-finish methodology for modernizing and restructuring existing Rails applications. One step at a time, he demonstrates how to revamp Rails applications to exhibit visible, provably independent, and explicitly connected parts – thereby simplifying them and making them far easier for teams to manage, change, and test. Throughout, he introduces design concepts and techniques you can use to improve applications of many kinds, even if they weren’t built with Rails or Ruby.


Designing Distributed Systems (O'Reilly)
Monday, 17 December 2018

This practical guide presents a collection of repeatable, generic patterns to help make the development of reliable distributed systems far more approachable and efficient and aims to show systems engineers and application developers how these long-established patterns provide a common language and framework for dramatically increasing the quality of systems. Author Brendan Burns - Director of Engineering at Microsoft Azure - demonstrates how you can adapt existing software design patterns for designing and building reliable distributed applications.


Hands-On Markov Models with Python (Packt)
Thursday, 13 December 2018

This book shows how to get to grips with Hidden Markov Models and different inference algorithms by working on real-world problems. It covers Markov processes, models, and types, the different algorithms used in inferences and how to apply them in state and parameter inference. Use of HMMs in time series analysis and natural language processing (NLP) using Python is also covered, as well as the use of HMM for reinforcement learning with the help of Q-Learning. Ankur Ankan and Abinash Panda use hands-on examples to simplify the process flow in machine learning by using Markov model concepts.


Microsoft SQL Server 2017 on Linux (McGraw-Hill)
Wednesday, 12 December 2018

This guide shows, step-by-step, how to set up, configure, and administer SQL Server 2017 on Linux for high performance and high availability.  Written by SQL Server expert Benjamin Nevarez, the book teaches Linux skills to Windows-based SQL Server professionals. You will get clear coverage of both Linux and SQL Server and complete explanations of the latest features, tools, and techniques, including topics such as on adaptive query processing, automatic tuning, disaster recovery, and security.


Electron in Action (Manning)
Monday, 10 December 2018

This book guides the reader step-by-step to building cross-platform desktop applications that run on Windows, OSX, and Linux using  JavaScript, Node, and the Electron framework. Author Steven Kinney shows how to add OS-specific features like the file system, menus, and clipboards, and how to use Chromium's tools to distribute the finished product. The book requires intermediate JavaScript and Node skills. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications


Access 2019 Bible (Wiley)
Thursday, 06 December 2018

This comprehensive reference to Access has now been updated to cover Access 2019. Authors Michael Alexander and Dick Kusleika start from the basics through to the advanced, from database fundamentals and terminology to XML and Web services. The companion website features all examples and databases used in the book, plus trial software and a special offer from Database Creations.


Model Checking, 2nd Ed (MIT Press)
Wednesday, 05 December 2018

Part of the Cyber Physical Systems Series, this is the second edition of a comprehensive presentation of the theory and practice of model checking, covering the foundations of the key algorithms in depth. Author Edmund M. Clark, Jr was one of the developers of the technique, in which algorithms are used to work out whether an abstract model―representing, for example, a hardware or software design―satisfies a formal specification expressed as a temporal logic formula.  


Impractical Python Projects (No Starch Press)
Monday, 03 December 2018

This book is a collection of fun and educational projects designed to entertain programmers while enhancing their Python skills. Author Lee Vaughan picks up where the complete beginner books leave off, expanding on existing concepts and introducing useful new tools. To keep things interesting, each project includes a zany twist featuring historical incidents, pop culture references, and literary allusions. 


Learning Robotics Using Python 2nd Ed (Packt)
Thursday, 29 November 2018

This book starts by showing you the fundamentals of the Robot Operating System (ROS) robotics software framework to illustrate the basics of differential robots. Author Lentin Joseph then covers robot modeling and how to design and simulate it using ROS. He then looks at how to design robot hardware and interfacing actuators, and how to configure and program depth sensors and LIDARs using ROS. Finally, instructions are given on creating a GUI for a robot using the Qt framework.


Data Professionals At Work (Apress)
Wednesday, 28 November 2018

This is a collection of interviews with more than two dozen data professionals aimed at giving a picture of what it’s like to work in the industry managing and analyzing data. Author Malathi Mahadevanhas interviewed database administrators, database programmers, data architects, business intelligence professionals, and analytics professionals. The interviewees work across industry sectors ranging from healthcare to banking, finance,  transportation and beyond, and they have shared what helped them get to the top, and what skills and attitudes combine to make them successful in their respective fields.


Computer Graphics Programming in OpenGL with Java 2nd Ed (Mercury)
Monday, 26 November 2018

In this new edition, author V. Scott Gordon provides step-by-step instruction on modern 3D graphics shader programming in OpenGL, along with its theoretical foundations. It has been designed in a four-color, “teach-yourself” format with numerous examples that the reader can run just as presented.New sections have been added covering soft shadows, performance optimization, Nsight debugging, as well as updated industry-standard libraries and steps for running the examples on a Macintosh.



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