Android Programming: Starting With An App (I/O Press)
Thursday, 17 November 2016

Programming an Android app is an attractive proposition, as Android increasingly dominates the global smartphone market, meaning many potential users. In Android Programming: Starting With An App  Mike James shows you how common tasks are done in Android, and explains why they are done in a particular way. This book is based on Android Adventures, a series that first appeared on I Programmer now fully revised in book format.


Author: Mike James

Publisher: I/O Press
Date: November 2016
Pages: 262
ISBN: 978-1871962475
Print: 1871962471
Audience: Would-be Android developers
Level: Beginner/Intermediate


  • Getting started with Android Studio
  • Activity and User Interface
  • Building a Simple UI
  • Android Events
  • Basic Controls
  • Working with Layouts
  • Programming the UI
  • Menus - Toolbar
  • Menus - Context and Popup
  • Resources
  • Bitmap Graphics
  • Life Cycle of an Activity
  • Spinners
  • Pickers
  • ListView

There are plenty of examples in this book but they are deliberately simple, stripped down to their bare minimum to let you see what is essential. It isn’t a complete treatment of everything Android. Instead if focuses on the things you need to know to write an app, in particular creating the user interface (UI) because this is what you spend most of your time working on even if the app in question is sophisticated. In this book you will find out how to build an app with a single Activity and a UI, a good foundation for further Android programming.



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