Google Goggles solves Sudoku
Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Ever been frustrated when you can't solve a Sudoku - well now there's an app for that. It is just one more capability in the latest version of Google Goggles. Have you ever had the feeling that AI is getting just a little be too commonplace?


The new Goggles 1.3 client for Android has improved its scanning capability and now scans barcodes almost instantly. All versions of Goggles can now recognize print ads in popular magazines and newspapers and then search for matches to provide more information.

However the trick that is attracting attention is the ability to solve a Sudoku instantly. All you have to do when you get stuck is take a clear picture of the entire puzzle with Goggles and your phone will just solve it, as demonstrated in this video.




Sudoku fans would probably just prefer a hint - but it's a neat gimmick to show off the technology.



If you want to know what else Goggles can be used for here's the introductory video.



Google Goggles is also now available in the Google Mobile App for iPhone and iPad.



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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 11 January 2011 )