Kindle adds directly downloadable audiobooks
Written by Sue Gee   
Sunday, 27 March 2011

If you own one of the latest Kindles you now have the option of downloading Audible Audiobooks via Wi-Fi.

Up until now if you wanted to listen to an audiobook on Kindle it involved downloading them to your computer and then transferring them via USB. Not an impossibly difficult task but irritating when you have a Wi-Fi connection ready to go.


Now Audible, another Amazon company, offers a direct download Wi-FI service to customers in the U.S. that works on the latest generation Kindles, covering more than 50,000 titles.


Audible operates a membership scheme with either monthly or annual subscriptions that earn members credits to exchange for free audiobooks.

In its current promotional offer facility Audible is offering two-free audiobooks with a 30-day free trial of its Gold Membership plan. See for more details of its subscription plans.

More: Amazon's Audible Audiobooks store



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Last Updated ( Sunday, 27 March 2011 )