How Computer Science Affects Your Chance of Finding a Date
Written by Lucy Black   
Sunday, 22 March 2020

When posting your profile to dating sites, should you brag about your Computer Science degree? The answer, it seems, depends on whether you are a man or a woman.


So you want to maximize your Tinder matches. Yes - having a really nice smile helps but not all of us are photogenic and photoshop-ing is as likely to detract as to enhance. Best to concentrate on a compelling bio.

In an attempt to see if there is a correlation between what subject people study at university and their Tinder-worthiness the UK-based designed a cunning experiment. Using data from HESA, the Higher Education Statistics Agency for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland they looked at the top 10 degrees students enrolled in 2018/19 and made Tinder profiles with everything in common apart for which degree had been studies.

Then they swiped right on 200 people and waited to see the results, which were are follows: 


If you’re a man the most attractive degree to women is Medicine, compassionate and profitable, which scored 174 matches. However, Computer Science was hot on its heels, with 165 matches - just 9 matches short of first place. So CS seems to pull its weight for the males of the species.

Sadly the opposite seems to be true for women with Computer Science coming second lowest at 115 matches only just ahead of Engineering with 111. Interestingly Law and Education which occupied the top two slots for women came in at the bottom of the league for men. Notice too that Engineering got almost the same number of matches for men as it did for women, but the total number of matches for men was 1251 compared to 1425 for women - so on Tinder at least being female gives you a head start.

This research sadly confirms the gender gap for both Computer Science and Engineering that will only be overcome when more women are shown to have interesting and lucrative careers in the tech industries. I can't imagine that female law graduates are really more interesting to date. Could it be that males think that lawers have to be sexy to influence a judge and jury but computer scientists have to have no interest in their appearance because of the time spent in social isolation with a machine?

In recent years there has been an increase both in the number of students interested in Computer Science, either as their degree major or as part of their optional courses and we've also reported that majoring in computer science greatly enhances your chances of landing a job and commanding a good salary. We've also seen the proportion of women opting to study Computer Science increasing. I don't think they'll be put off by's findings about Tinder Matches. Instead let's hope they are able to present their bios to show just how fascinating Commuter Science is. 




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Last Updated ( Sunday, 22 March 2020 )