JSNation 2024 Sessions Now Available Online
Written by Nikos Vaggalis   
Friday, 26 July 2024

The sessions of this year's premium Javascript conference, JSNation, are now available online and for free. Since there's a lot of material to go through we did a bit of digging to suggest the best to watch first.

This year's JSNation ran both on premises in Amsterdam as well as online, on the 13th and 17th of June. This year the format of the event was hybrid, with the first day of June 13 being streamed from the Amsterdam venue which also included hybrid networking features and interactive entertainment, while the second day included numerous free workshops and was streamed to a global audience.


These were two days packed with many insightful sessions and workshops on the latest JavaScript trends. If you've missed the event and the its talks, do not worry as you can now watch all of it on demand. And what better way to start off than learn how to debug. In "From Friction to Flow: Debugging With Chrome DevTools", Jecelyn Yeen, a Google Developer Advocate, revealed the debugging power hidden beneath Chrome DevTools. This included highlighting features in DevTools that existed for probably five or six years already but no one had discovered it yet and general tips on improving the debugging workflow.

Of course htmx was on the menu. Heralded by many as the Javascript killer, the talk "htmx Is Pro-JavaScript" reveals the opposite; that htmx and JavaScript go in fact hand in hand.

This is not surprising, since from time to time a new technology that kills Javascript comes around, say the likes of WebAssembly. But these statements couldn't be further from the truth, as we've explore in "Wasmer JS SDK - WebAssembly In The Browser" :

WebAssembly was touted as a runtime that would be embedded into every major web browser in order to write code in any language that could be compiled to its bytecode format. Using it, the popular browsers would be able to execute not just JavaScript but also compiled binaries, hence the second label that was attached to it - the JavaScript killer. .

As things progressed, both of those assumptions were debunked. WebAssembly has broken loose of the browser's constraints and can be used for running Microservices or serverless functions or even run Wasm binaries on the command line so that even cross-platform CLI applications can be developed. So, rather than kill JavaScript it might even interoperate with it.

That's a reminder that you should not fall for the hype.

Of course a conference wouldn't be complete without a talk on AI. "Web Apps of the Future With Web AI" explains why you should care about AI as a web developer. The talk is acting as a local first applications evangelist, by demonstrating that by moving AI to the client side, you gain the benefit that there is no more reliance on the server which is a boon for privacy and low latency. We have explored that very matter in "TinyBase And The Local First Movement", in which we describe
the TinyBase library , a Javascript library that enables you to create an in-browser, local-first, reactive data store.

Another related AI talk but relating to the productivity side of the matter, was "Can AI Turn Us Into 10x Developers?", which goes through the hot subject of coding assistants and how
using them can boost developer productivity. In particular Kevin Hou explains how using Codeium can unlock a 10x productivity gain for all developers.

In "Angular Renaissance" there's another take on the war between Angular and React contesting for the title of the best Javascript framework for building SPA applications. The word is that Angular has been lately revived, enjoying a lot of innovation by the community. The talk highlights those parts of the framework being rejuvenated.

And finally, we couldn't do without talking about LLRT, the new runtime by Amazon taking everyone by storm. Make sure to check our rundown in "AWS Introduces A New JavaScript Runtime For Lambda".

For the time being 13 of the sessions are available as a YouTube playlist, but all of the talks are accessible from the conference's main page. Links below.


More Information

JSNation YouTube Playlist

JSNation 2024 Main Page


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Wasmer JS SDK - WebAssembly In The Browser


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Last Updated ( Friday, 26 July 2024 )