JavaScript Comes to Minecraft
Written by Ian Elliot   
Monday, 21 January 2013

JavaScript is the language of the client and it is becoming the language of the server. Now it seems set to be the language of Minecraft.

If you don't know about Minecraft then you have missed out on a programming phenomenon. The game, if it is a game in the traditional sense, lets you build all types of things using textured cubes. It has a physics engine that enables you to build mechanical devices, electrical circuits and logic gates. The point is that this is a creative game that has all the elements to allow players to develop their engineering and logical skills. If only there was a programming language so that players could develop their software skills.

This is where ScriptCraft comes into the picture. Walter Higgins has ported the Rhino JVM implementation of JavaScript in a few spare weeks over Xmas. As Minecraft is written in Java, this makes perfect sense. ScriptCraft is a Minecraft mod that can be added to the game to allow the player to use JavaScript commands.



A JavaScript program allows you to create text using blocks.


Some additional JavaScript classes allow the construction of blocks making it possible to automate construction. It also provides a "turtle like" drone class that makes it easier to move in 3D. It makes use of a fluent API to create a domain specific language for movement.

To prove how useful it is, the fort.js and castle.js scripts create some very big buildings that would be tedious to construct manually.

"Ultimately I think the ScriptCraft mod could be used to take building in Minecraft to a whole new level. With a full-blown language at the Player's disposal, it should be possible to create not just castles and forts but entire road networks and cities."

Most importantly of all, it not only pushes the boundary of Minecraft it also provides a way to get kids who are already hooked on Minecraft to start learning JavaScript.




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Last Updated ( Monday, 21 January 2013 )