Written by Sue Gee   
Tuesday, 16 June 2015

A first response to this headline might well be "why hasn't the JavaScript language had its own site before?" If fact, this isn't a language website. Instead it is a site with free resources for beginners and more advanced users.

JavaScript turned 20 years old in May 2015 and its longevity may be one reason why it never adopted a dot com name. On the other hand it may be that as a language it has always been too fragmented to have a single home.

Back in March I Programmer's Ian Elliot wrote:

You have to feel sorry for JavaScript it doesn't even have a name to call itself by.

He goes on to explain how Brendan Eich's language was given the name  ECMAScript as a compromise that Microsoft and Netscape could agree on and also reveals the surprising fact that JavaScript is a trademark of Oracle! If you don't already know this twist see JavaScript - The Language With Two Names.


jscombanner comes from the Code School team who say on the new site: 

Because JavaScript is a great language for coding beginners, we've gathered some of the best free learning resources around and built a JavaScript course to help new developers get up and running.




Code School's new Try Javascript introductory course is a short interactive tutorial to get beginners to type their first JavaScript code. The other curated resources are also free but if you want to go further you'll soon encounter paid-for offerings from Code School and from Pluralsight, which recently acquired it.

For more advanced JavaScript developers the other strand to the site is an aggregation of news and stories relating to the JavaScript language, frameworks and libraries. Contributions are invited from the community. Posts need to be authenticated using a GitHub profile and will be moderated before publication. has the makings of an attractive educational resource - but exactly how good it becomes is down to JavaScript developers as well as to Code School and Pluralsight.



More Information

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 16 June 2015 )