Angular 16 Improves Reactivity
Written by Ian Elliot   
Thursday, 18 May 2023

Angular 16 has been released in what the developers say is the biggest release since its original rollout. The team says there are large leaps in reactivity, server-side rendering, and tooling

Originally launched in 2016, Angular is an open source TypeScript-based web application framework that can be used for building JavaScript apps and dynamic web pages. With development led by Google, it has gained widespread support.


One of the main changes to this release is a developer preview of a new reactivity model for Angular which the team says brings significant improvements to performance and developer experience.

The model is backward compatible works with the current system. Its advantages start with better run time performance by reducing the number of computations during change detection. It also enables fine-grained reactivity, which the developers say in future releases will allow them to check for changes only in affected components. Another future change will be to make Zone.js optional in future releases by using signals to notify the framework when the model has changed.

A second improvement is faster server-side rendering. This is a result of work with the Chrome Aurora team and the Angular team to improve the performance and DX of the hydration and server-side rendering. Angular 16 has a developer preview of full app non-destructive hydration. Angular no longer re-renders the application from scratch. Instead, the framework looks up existing DOM nodes while building internal data structures and attaches event listeners to those nodes.

This alleviates content flickering on a page for end users, and improves Web Core Vitals in certain scenarios. It will also be used to underpin fine-grained code loading with primitives that is planned for shipping later this year. Currently this surfaces in progressive lazy route hydration.

The other main change is improved tooling for standalone components, directives, and pipes. Standalone APIs were released in 2022 under developer preview, and have been fully released in this version.

Angular 16 is available now.


More Information

Angular Site

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Last Updated ( Thursday, 18 May 2023 )