GraphQL Foundation Gets Bigger
Written by Kay Ewbank   
Friday, 15 March 2019

The GraphQL Foundation has announced a collaboration with the Joint Development Foundation, and new members including Neo4j have joined.

Facebook set up the open source foundation last year for its GraphQL project, hosted under the Linux Foundation with the aim of encouraging widespread adoption of GraphQL and the surrounding ecosystem. The news of the new collaboration means GraphQL is likely to become increasingly dominant in the area of API development.


GraphQL is a query language for APIs that has been developed for internal use in Facebook before being made open source in 2015. GraphQL powers hundreds of billions of API calls a day at Facebook. Its purpose is to provide a complete description of the data in your API, which can then be used by clients to ask for specific data from the API.  GraphQL is important for API development as it allows nested objects in a single API request that traditionally would require multiple API requests. The GraphQL specification, GraphQL.js reference implementation, DataLoader library, and GraphiQL developer tool are technical projects supported by the GraphQL Foundation.

What's new is the announcement of a collaboration with the Joint Development Foundation (JDF). JDF recently joined the Linux Foundation. JDF aims to enable groups to establish and operate lightweight collaborations to develop technical specifications, standards, and source code.  It recently joined the Linux Foundation to drive adoption of open source and standards.

GraphQL Foundation members now include  Apollo, AWS, Butterfly Network, Dgraph Labs, Facebook, Gatsby, GraphZen, Hasura, IBM, Intuit, Neo4j, Novvum, PayPal, Pipefy, Salsify, and Thicit, all working to advance GraphQL as an industry specification for designing more effective APIs.

GraphQL becomes the first Linux Foundation project to benefit from the JDF and Linux Foundation collaboration, which provides open source projects with a swift path to standardization for open specifications. Developers will have an open GraphQL specification and open source software implementations available for designing conformant APIs. 



More Information

GraphQL Foundation

GraphQL On GitHub

Joint Development Foundation

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