Neo4J Launches Cloud Graph Database
Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Neo4j has announced Aura, a fully-managed native graph database as a service. Aura is aimed at smaller businesses and individual developers.

Neo4j database is one of the most popular graph databases. It stores data and relationships in graph structures, and is highly scalable. Developers can build intelligent applications that traverse s large, interconnected datasets in real time. It has a native graph storage and processing engine, and a graphical query language.


Neo4j Aura is aimed more at individual and departmental uses. The Neo4j team recognizes that the price of Neo4j Enterprise Edition forms a major barrier to developers thinking Neo4j might be interesting and useful, but without a big budget to try it out. Aura is designed to provide a way to do that, as it provides the Neo4j graph database via a cloud service. The team at Neo4j say Aura's advantages start with zero administration, easy provisioning and one-click deployment. The pricing for Aura is capacity-based with flat hourly rates by capacity. The service also offers the option to scale up or down as you need, and Aura will automatically resize the database without disrupting workflow.

Because Aura is supplied as a service, it should offer always-on availability, with fault-tolerance and self-healing built-in. The team at Neo4j says Aura manages processes such as tuning, security patches, software updates and configuration changes with zero downtime. Data is replicated across three separate physical disks to ensure data durability, and backed up daily with a seven-day retention policy. The service offers built-in authentication and end-to-end data encryption. 

For developers, there are officially-supported drivers for languages including .Net, Java (also Spring), JavaScript, and Python. Other drivers are available from Neo4j's third party community, along with libraries, tools, drivers, and guides. Aura also provides ways to integrate with Spark, Elastic{Search}, MongoDB, and Cassandra, using Lambda or Google Cloud Functions, or through GraphQL with GRANDstack and a React front-end.


More Information

Neo4j Homepage

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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 13 November 2019 )