Implementing Automated Code Testing
Written by Lucy Black   
Thursday, 27 July 2023

Increasingly automated code testing is becoming a reality - and with the availability of ChatGPT you need to do little more than ask for it to happen. Here are seven best practices to follow. 

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Hey there, fellow developers! Are you ready to supercharge your software development process with automated code testing? Buckle up because

we're about to dive into some excellent best practices that will help you level up your testing game. Automated code testing is like having your superhero squad that ensures your code is rock-solid, reliable, and bug-free. So, let's explore the fantastic world of automated testing and discover the best practices to make your code testing journey a breeze!

Setting Up the Testing Environment

Before diving into automated code testing, setting up the testing environment is crucial. Select a testing framework that aligns with your project's requirements. Popular choices include frameworks like JUnit for Java, NUnit for .NET, and PyTest for Python. Identify the dependencies your code relies on and set up mechanisms to manage and control them during the testing process. This includes mocking external services or using containerization techniques when required.

Test Strategy and Planning

An effective testing strategy starts with proper planning. Clearly define the scope of your testing efforts, including the modules, functions, or components that must be tested. This helps in setting priorities and allocating resources effectively. For example, improve code coverage, identify critical defects, or validate particular functionality. Prioritize your test cases based on the importance of the functionality they cover and the associated risks. This ensures that critical areas of the code are thoroughly tested, even in time-constrained scenarios.

Writing Effective Test Cases

Writing effective test cases is crucial for successful automated code testing. Create test cases that cover different scenarios and edge cases. Consider inputs, outputs, and expected outcomes to test the code's behavior in various conditions thoroughly. Choose test data that represents both typical and extreme scenarios. Include test cases that deliberately provide incorrect or unexpected inputs to validate the code's error-handling capabilities. Also, test the boundaries of the input domain to ensure correct behavior at the limits.

Test Automation 

Test automation is the backbone of efficient code testing. Popular options include Selenium, JUnit, NUnit, and Pytest. Develop a test automation framework with a structured approach to writing and executing tests. Write clean, readable, and maintainable test scripts. Follow coding best practices, use descriptive names for tests and test cases, and leverage modularization techniques to enhance script reuse.

For more advanced techniques in automated testing, you can explore using ChatGPT for automated test generation. AI-powered tools can assist in generating test cases and improving your testing process.

Test Execution and Reporting

Executing tests and reporting the results meaningfully is crucial for tracking progress and identifying issues. Execute your test suite regularly to identify issues as early as possible. Running tests as part of a continuous integration process ensures quick feedback on code changes. Review the test results thoroughly to identify failed tests and potential issues. 

When issues are identified, prioritize them based on severity and impact on the system. This allows developers to focus on critical problems first. Ensure defects are correctly assigned, prioritized, and resolved within a reasonable timeframe.

Test Maintenance and Continuous Improvement

To keep your automated testing effective and up-to-date, Regularly review and update your test cases and scripts to reflect changes in the codebase or new functionality. Eliminate obsolete or redundant tests to maintain a lean and efficient test suite. Gather feedback from testers, developers, and stakeholders to identify areas for improvement. Incorporate these lessons learned into your testing practices to enhance your automated tests' effectiveness continually.

Integrate automated testing into continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. Automate the execution of tests as part of the build and deployment process to ensure code quality and minimize manual effort.

Test Coverage and Metrics

Monitoring test coverage and using appropriate metrics help evaluate the effectiveness of your testing efforts. Identify and track key testing metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of your automated tests. Examples include test execution time, test failure rate, defect density, and test case productivity. Perform risk assessments to prioritize testing efforts. Allocate more testing resources to critical or high-risk areas and reduce coverage in low-risk sections of the codebase.


Implementing automated code testing is a vital step toward delivering high-quality software. By following these best practices, you can establish a robust testing process that improves code reliability, accelerates development cycles, and enhances customer satisfaction. Embrace automated code testing as an essential aspect of your software development lifecycle, and continuously adapt and improve your practices to meet the evolving demands of your projects.Aut Testing

More Information

ChatGPT for Automated Testing: Examples and Best Practices 

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Last Updated ( Monday, 31 July 2023 )