W3C Undergoes Transformation
Thursday, 02 February 2023

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is relaunching as a new public-interest non-profit organization. W3C says the move is designed to make it able to respond more rapidly to changes in the web, and to widen where partners are located.

Founded in 1994 and led by Tim Berners-Lee, W3C is the main international standards organization for the World Wide Web. 


In a statement, W3C said the new entity

"preserves our member-driven approach, existing worldwide outreach and cooperation while allowing for additional partners around the world beyond Europe and Asia".

Until now, W3C has used a hosted model hosted in the USA, France, China and Japan, and when the original announcement of the change was made last year, W3C said this hosted model hinders rapid development:

“We need a structure where we meet at a faster pace the demands of new web capabilities and address the urgent problems of the web.

The W3C Team is small, bounded in size, and the Hosted model hinders rapid development and acquisition of skills in new fields.

We need to put governance at the center of the new organization to achieve clearer reporting, accountability, greater diversity and strategic direction, better global coordination."

A Board of Directors will be elected with W3C Member majority, with seats included that reflect the multi-stakeholder goals of the Web Consortium.

The new organization is also designed to contribute to the overall work of the W3C in guiding what happens with the web by developing open web standards.

The director of W3C, Tim Berners-Lee, said:

“Today, I am proud of the profound impact W3C has had, its many achievements accomplished with our Members and the public, and I look forward to the continued empowering enhancements W3C enables as it launches its own public-interest non-profit organization, building on 28 years of experience.”


More Information

W3C Web Audio Announcement

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Last Updated ( Thursday, 02 February 2023 )